我正在尝试在 C 中创建一个 BASIC 解释器。我从一个用于数学计算的解释器开始(就像一个计算器,除了这里我可以给变量 X 赋值 2,例如)。我的问题是我不知道如何让我的解释器找到一些输入之间的差异。例如:10 LET x = 10,这应该存储在一个数组中以备后用。LET x = 10,这应该立即执行 10 + 1 ,这应该立即执行。
* File: parser.c
* --------------
* This file implements a version of ReadExp that uses
* conventional precedence rules. Thus, the expression
* x = 2 * x + y
* is interpreted as if it had been written
* x = ((2 * x) + y))
* This language can be parsed using the following ambiguous
* grammar:
* E -> T
* E -> E op E
* T -> integer
* T -> identifier
* T -> ( E )
* Unfortunately, this grammar is not sufficient by itself. The
* parser must also provide some way to determine what operators
* take precedence over others. Moreover, it must avoid the
* problem of going into an infinite recursion of trying to read
* an expression by reading an expression, and so on forever.
* To solve these problems, this implementation passes a numeric
* value to the ReadE function that specifies the precedence
* level for the current subexpression. As long as ReadE finds
* operators with a higher precedence, it will read in those
* operators along with the following subexpression. If the
precedence of the new operator is the same or lower than
* the prevailing precedence, ReadE returns to the next higher
* level in the recursive-descent parsing and reads the operator
* there.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "genlib.h"
#include "strlib.h"
#include "simpio.h"
#include "scanadt.h"
#include "parsering.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "cmddisp.c"
* Implementation notes: ParseExp
* ------------------------------
* This function just calls ReadE to read an expression and then
* checks to make sure no tokens are left over.
expressionADT ParseExp(scannerADT scanner)
expressionADT exp;
exp = ReadE(scanner, 0);
if (MoreTokensExist(scanner)) {
Error("ParseExp: %s unexpected", ReadToken(scanner));
return (exp);
* Implementation notes: ReadE
* Usage: exp = ReadE(scanner, prec);
* ----------------------------------
* This function reads an expression from the scanner stream,
* stopping when it encounters an operator whose precedence is
* less that or equal to prec.
expressionADT ReadE(scannerADT scanner, int prec)
expressionADT exp, rhs;
string token;
int newPrec;
exp = ReadT(scanner, 0);
while (TRUE) {
token = ReadToken(scanner);
newPrec = Precedence(token);
if (newPrec <= prec) break;
rhs = ReadE(scanner, newPrec);
exp = NewCompoundExp(token[0], exp, rhs);
SaveToken(scanner, token);
return (exp);
* Function: ReadT
* Usage: exp = ReadT(scanner);
* ----------------------------
* This function reads a single term from the scanner by matching
* the input to one of the following grammatical rules:
* T -> integer
* T -> identifier
* T -> ( E )
* In each case, the first token identifies the appropriate rule.
expressionADT ReadT(scannerADT scanner, int prec)
expressionADT exp, rhs;
string token;
int newPrec;
exp = ReadF(scanner);
while (TRUE) {
token = ReadToken(scanner);
newPrec = Precedence(token);
if (newPrec <= prec) break;
rhs = ReadT(scanner, newPrec);
exp = NewCompoundExp(token[0], exp, rhs);
SaveToken(scanner, token);
return (exp);
int Precedence(string token)
if (StringLength(token) > 1) return (0);
switch (token[0]) {
case '=': return (1);
case '+': case '-': return (2);
case '*': case '/': return (3);
default: return (0);
expressionADT ReadF(scannerADT scanner)
expressionADT exp;
string token;
token = ReadToken(scanner);
if (StringEqual(token, "(")) {
exp = ReadE(scanner, 0);
if (!StringEqual(ReadToken(scanner), ")")) {
Error("Unbalanced parentheses");
} else if (isdigit(token[0])) {
exp = NewIntegerExp(StringToInteger(token));
} else if (isalpha(token[0])) {
exp = NewIdentifierExp(token);
} else {
Error("Illegal term in expression");
return (exp);