我正在使用带有 corb2 2.4.5 和 Marklogic 9.0.5 的 ml-gradle。

我试图在运行 gradle 任务时将参数传递给 corb。我已将参数传入


在我的 xquery 模块中,我有

declare variable $id as xs:string external;

corb 进程运行,但它不设置 id 变量。我需要改变什么才能使这项工作?


2 回答 2


执行 ml-gradle CoRB 任务时,应设置所有系统属性并将其传递给您的 CoRB 作业。

我怀疑您可能正在运行旧版本的 ml-gradle,或者您的工作中可能存在其他问题。

我已经验证我可以通过执行以下命令将外部 URIS-MODULE 变量传递给这个简化的作业:

gradle -DURIS-MODULE.id=2 -DURIS-MODULE="INLINE-XQUERY|declare variable $id external;concat('PROCESS-MODULE.id=',string($id)),1,1|ADHOC" -DPROCESS-MODULE="INLINE-XQUERY|declare variable $id external;xdmp:log(concat('process module id=',$id))|ADHOC" corb


2020-03-12 09:23:44.198 Info: process module id=2

ml-gradle CoRB 任务收集所有系统属性并在任务运行时将它们传递给 CoRB:


Map options = buildCorbOptions()
//CoRB2 will evaluate System properties for options


buildCorbOptions()方法 https://github.com/marklogic-community/ml-gradle/blob/master/src/main/groovy/com/marklogic/gradle/task/CorbTask.groovy#L121 _

  * Construct CoRB2 options from the following sources:
  * task variables - lowerCamelCase names that correspond to their CoRB2
  *                  option (i.e. optionsFile => OPTIONS-FILE)
  * project properties - Project properties with the naming convention
  *                      of a 'corb' prefix and CamelCased CoRB2 option name
  *                      (i.e. corbOptionsFile => OPTIONS-FILE)
  * System properties - Any System property with a CoRB2 option name
  * If properties are defined in more than one place, System properties will take
  * precedence over Project properties, which take precedence over task member variables.
  * @return Map of CoRB2 options
  public Map buildCorbOptions() {
    //first, convert legacy task properties and generate options from conventions
    Map options = collectNormalizedOptions()
    //collect all of the corb task options (i.e. threadCount=12)
    options << collectMemberVariables()
    //apply any corb project properties (i.e. -PcorbThreadCount=12)
    options << collectCorbProjectProperties()
    //apply any CoRB2 System properties (i.e. -DTHREAD-COUNT=12)
    options << collectSystemProperties()
    options //return the merged options


  * Collect all System.properties. This allows for any CoRB option to be set, including those not statically known such
  * as CoRB custom inputs (e.g. URIS-MODULE.foo, PROCESS-MODULE.bar, etc) as well as settings for other libraries, such
  * as xcc.httpCompliant to enable XCCS compatability for XCC.
  * @return all System.properties
  public Map collectSystemProperties() {
于 2020-03-12T13:28:11.180 回答

请务必使用 type CorbTask,而不是 Java 任务,以利用参数处理。


task some-corbCorbTask(type: com.marklogic.gradle.task.CorbTask) {...}


task some-corbJAVA(type: Java) {...}
于 2020-06-12T10:36:36.323 回答