On the iPhone, we design applications around a standard screen size of 320x480. Is there a standard screen size we should use for developing Mac applications, specifically ones targeted to the Mac App Store?
2 回答
你没有。台式电脑不像手机那样有固定的尺寸。用户可以拥有一个(或两个或六个)分辨率从 800x600 到 3200x2400 或更高的屏幕。
无论您做什么,都不要试图将您的用户锁定到特定的分辨率或窗口大小。他们会反感,你的应用程序不会很成功。在开发 Macintosh 应用程序时,您需要放弃 iPhone 模式。有一些相似之处,但也有许多重要的区别。
检查您计算机上的其他应用程序,并查看它们的行为方式。很好的例子是 Apple 与新 Mac 捆绑的应用程序,例如 iTunes、iPhoto、TextEdit、Pages 和 Keynote 等。某些第三方公司还设计了屡获殊荣的软件应用程序,例如Panic 的 Coda、Fetch甚至Microsoft Office。效仿他们的榜样很难出错。
For all modern macs, at least 1024x768 will be usable screen real estate (the actual screen will be larger, but you need to account for menu bars, 16:9, etc.). Still, this is generally not a good question to ask - you should probably have dialogs that look good at 800x600 and scale larger at the very least - most people like to be able to arrange their windows to their preferences, and if you have a large minimum size that will be very annoying.