Hallo to all userse and helpers here in this forum! Thank you, i am new and i have found allready a lot of solutions.
Now I want to ask, if someone can help me:
I have a Movie about 30 seconds made of 1 image. Now I want to pixelate depending on time or framenumber - every time a litlle bit less. My code so far:
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf scale=iw/n:ih/n,scale=niw:nih:flags=neighbor out.mp4
where n should be the framenumber 1 to 900. this scould also be t+1 for slower change.
the stars are gone - so i mean n times iw:n times ih:
undefined constant or missing '(' in 'n' error when evaluating the expression 'ih/n' maybe the expression for out_w:'w/n' or for out_h:'ih/n' is self-referencing. failed to configure output pad on paresed_scale_0 error reinitializing filters! failed to inject frame into filter network: invalid argument error while processing the decoded data for stream #0:0
Do you have some suggestion plaese - Thank you in Advance