I'm trying to do some calculations and plot the results, but it seems that these are too heavy for Maxima. When I try to calculate N1 and N2 the program crashes when parameter j is too high or when I try to plot them, the program displays the following error message: "Heap exhausted, game over." What should I do? I've seen some people saying to try to compile Maxima with ccl, but I don't know how to do it or if it will work.
I usually receive error messages like:
Message from maxima's stderr stream: Heap exhausted during garbage collection: 0 bytes available, 16 requested.
Gen Boxed Unboxed LgBox LgUnbox Pin Alloc Waste Trig WP GCs Mem-age
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20971520 0 0 0,0000
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20971520 0 0 0,0000
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20971520 0 0 0,0000
3 16417 2 0 0 43 1075328496 707088 293986768 16419 1 0,8032
4 13432 21 0 1141 70 955593760 838624 2000000 14594 0 0,2673
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000000 0 0 0,0000
6 741 184 34 28 0 63259792 1424240 2000000 987 0 0,0000
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000000 0 0 0,0000
Total bytes allocated = 2094182048
Dynamic-space-size bytes = 2097152000
GC control variables:
*GC-INHIBIT* = true
*GC-PENDING* = true
fatal error encountered in SBCL pid 13884(tid 0000000001236360):
Heap exhausted, game over.
Here goes the code:
enter code here
a: 80$;
b: 6*a$;
h1: 80$;
t: 2$;
j: 5$;
carga: 250$;
sig: -carga/2$;
n: 2*q*%pi/b$;
m: i*%pi/a$;
i: 2*p-1$;
i1: 2*p1-1$;
/*i1: p1$;*/
Φ: a/b$;
τ: cosh(x) - (x/sinh(x))$;
σ: sinh(x) - (x/cosh(x))$;
Ψ: sinh(x)/τ$;
Χ: cosh(x)/σ$;
Λ0: 1/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q^2)^2)$;
Λ1: sum((((i/2)^3*subst([x=(i*%pi/(2*Φ))],Ψ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ0, p, 1, j)$;
Λ2: sum(((q1^3*subst([x=(q1*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ1, q1, 1, j)$;
Λ3: sum((((i/2)^3*subst([x=(i*%pi/(2*Φ))],Ψ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ2, p, 1, j)$;
Λ4: sum(((q1^3*subst([x=(q1*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ3, q1, 1, j)$;
Λ5: sum((((i/2)^3*subst([x=(i*%pi/(2*Φ))],Ψ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ4, p, 1, j)$;
Ζ0: sum(((q^3*subst([x=(q*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i1/2)^2+Φ^2*q^2)^2))*Λ0, q, 1, j)$;
Ζ2: sum(((q^3*subst([x=(q*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i1/2)^2+Φ^2*q^2)^2))*Λ2, q, 1, j)$;
Ζ4: sum(((q^3*subst([x=(q*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i1/2)^2+Φ^2*q^2)^2))*Λ4, q, 1, j)$;
E: 200000$;
ν: 0.3$;
λ: (ν*E)/((1+ν)*(1-2*ν))$;
μ: E/(2*(1+ν))$;
a0: float(1/(b/2)*integrate(0, y, -(b/2), -h1/2)+1/b*integrate(sig, y, -h1/2, h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(0, y, h1/2, (b/2)))$;
aq: float(1/(b/2)*integrate(0*cos(q*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, -(b/2), - h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(sig*cos(q*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, -h1/2, h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(0*cos(q*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, h1/2, (b/2)))$;
aq1: float(1/(b/2)*integrate(0*cos(q1*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, -(b/2), - h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(sig*cos(q1*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, -h1/2, h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(0*cos(q1*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, h1/2, (b/2)))$;
Bq: aq/((λ+μ)*subst([x=q*%pi*Φ],σ))+((16*Φ^4*q^2*(-1)^q)/((λ+μ)*%pi^2*subst([x=q*%pi*Φ],σ)))*sum(q1*aq1*(-1) ^q1*subst([x=q1*%pi*Φ],Χ)*(Λ1+(16*Φ^4/(%pi^2))*Λ3+((16*Φ^4/(%pi^2))^2)*Λ5), q1, 1, j)+(8*λ*Φ^3*q^2*(-1)^q*a0)/((λ+μ)*(λ+2*μ)*(%pi^3)*subst([x=q*%pi*Φ],σ))*sum(subst([x=i*%pi/(2*Φ)],Ψ)/(i/ 2)*(Λ0+(16*Φ^4/(%pi^2))*Λ2+((16*Φ^4/(%pi^2))^2)*Λ4), p, 1, j)$;
βp: -(2*λ*a0*(-1)^((i-1)/2))/((λ+μ)*(λ+2*μ)*(i/2)^2*%pi^2*subst([x=i*%pi/(2*Φ)],τ))-((32*λ*Φ^4*(i/2)^2*a0*(-1)^((i-1)/2))/((λ+μ)*(λ+2*μ)*%pi^2*subst([x=i*%pi/(2*Φ)],τ)))*sum(((subst([x=i1*%pi/(2*Φ)],Ψ))/(i1/2))*(Ζ0+Ζ2*((16*Φ^4)/%pi^2)+Ζ4*(((16*Φ^4)/%pi^2)^2)),p1,1,j)-((4*Φ*(i/2)^2*(-1)^((i-1)/2))/((λ+μ)*%pi*subst([x=i*%pi/(2*Φ)],τ)))*sum(q*aq*(-1)^q*subst([x=q*%pi*Φ],Χ)*(Λ0+Λ2*(16*Φ^4/%pi^2)+Λ4*(16*Φ^4/%pi^2)^2),q,1,j)$;
N1: (2*a0/a)*x+(λ+μ)*sum(Bq*((1+((n*a*sinh(n*a/2))/(2*cosh(n*a/2))))*sinh(n*x)-n*x*cosh(n*x))*cos(n*y),q,1,j)+(λ+μ)*sum(βp*((1-((m*b*cosh(m*b/2))/(2*sinh(m*b/2))))*cosh(m*y)+m*y*sinh(m*y))*sin(m*x),p,1,j)$;
N2: ((2*λ*a0)/(a*(λ+2*μ)))*x+(λ+μ)*sum(Bq*((1-((n*a*sinh(n*a/2))/(2*cosh(n*a/2))))*sinh(n*x)+n*x*cosh(n*x))*cos(n*y),q,1,j)+(λ+μ)*sum(βp*((1+((m*b*cosh(m*b/2))/(2*sinh(m*b/2))))*cosh(m*y)-m*y*sinh(m*y))*sin(m*x),p,1,j);
wxplot3d(N1, [x,-a/2,a/2], [y,-b/2,b/2])$;
wxplot3d(N2, [x,-a/2,a/2], [y,-b/2,b/2])$;