对于我的 Python Pytorch代码,我在Libtorch ( Pytorch C++ Frontend ) 中找不到等效的 C++ 调用。

根据我的搜索(Pytorch Discuss),我的代码尚不存在文档。我想知道是否有人可以指导我使用以下作品(如下)。

我在 Libtorch C++ 发生更多崩溃(错误使用)的地方进行了删减。

import torch as th

X = th.zeros((nobs, 3+p), device=dev, dtype=th.float32)
y = th.tensor(indata, device=dev, dtype=th.float32)
diffilter = th.tensor([-1., 1.], device=dev, dtype=th.float32).view(1, 1, 2)
dy = th.conv1d(y.view(1, 1, -1), diffilter).view(-1)
z = dy[p:].clone()
# X matrix
X[:, 0] = 1 
X[:, 1] = th.arange(p+1, n) 
X[:, 2] = y[p:-1]
# master X 
Xm = th.zeros((nobsadf, 3+p), device=th.device('cpu'), dtype=th.float32)
# batch matrix, vector and observations
Xbt = th.zeros(batch_size, adfs_count, nobsadf, (3+p), device=th.device('cpu'), dtype=th.float32)
t = 0 # start line for master main X OLS matrix/ z vector
for i in range(nbatchs):
    for j in range(batch_size): # assembly batch_size matrixes
        Xm[:] = X[t:t+nobsadf] 
        Xbt[j, :, :, :] = Xm.repeat(adfs_count, 1).view(adfs_count, nobsadf, (3+p))            
        for k in range(adfs_count): 
            Xbt[j, k, :k, :] = 0
            nobt[j, k] = float(nobsadf-k-(p+3))

1 回答 1



我学会了更好地使用Pytorch Discuss论坛获取PytorchLibtorch信息。例如,使用标签 C++。

不幸的是, 官方的信息来源(虽然很混乱)。这就是我在SO中分享我的答案的原因。

namespace th = torch;
// th.set_grad_enabled(False)
th::NoGradGuard guard; // or same as with torch.no_grad(): block 
auto dtype_option = th::TensorOptions().dtype(th::kFloat32);
//X = th.zeros((nobs, 3+p), device=dev, dtype=th.float32)
//y = th.tensor(indata, device=dev, dtype=th.float32)
//diffilter = th.tensor([-1., 1.], device=dev, dtype=th.float32).view(1, 1, 2)
//dy = th.conv1d(y.view(1, 1, -1), diffilter).view(-1)
//z = dy[p:].clone()
auto X = th::zeros({nobs, 3+p}, dtype_option);
auto y = th::from_blob(signal, {n}, dtype_option);
auto diffilter = th::tensor({-1, 1}, dtype_option).view({ 1, 1, 2 }); // first difference filter
auto dy = th::conv1d(y.view({ 1, 1, -1 }), diffilter).view({ -1 });
auto z = dy.slice(0, p).clone();
// X[:, 0] = 1 # drift
// X[:, 1] = th.arange(p+1, n) 
// X[:, 2] = y[p:-1]
// create acessors to fill in the matrix
auto ay = y.accessor<float, 1>(); // <1> dimension
auto aX = X.accessor<float, 2>(); // <2> dimension
for (auto i = 0; i < nobs; i++) {
    aX[i][0] = 1; 
    aX[i][1] = p + 1 + i; 
    aX[i][2] = ay[p+i];  
// Xm = th.zeros((nobsadf, 3+p), device=th.device('cpu'), dtype=th.float32)
auto Xm = th::zeros({ nobsadf, 3 + p }, dtype_option.device(th::Device(th::kCPU)));
// Xbt = th.zeros(batch_size, adfs_count, nobsadf, (3+p), device=th.device('cpu'), dtype=th.float32)
auto Xbt = th::zeros({ batch_size, adfs_count, nobsadf, (3 + p) }, dtype_option.device(th::Device(th::kCPU)));
// this acessor will be used in the inner for loop k
auto anobt = nobt.accessor<float, 2>();
auto tline = 0; // start line for master main X OLS matrix/ z vector
for (int i = 0; i < nbatchs; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < batch_size; j++){ // assembly batch_size matrixes
        // Xm[:] = X[t:t+nobsadf]
        Xm.copy_(X.narrow(0, tline, nobsadf)); 
        // Xbt[j, :, :, :] = Xm.repeat(adfs_count, 1).view(adfs_count, nobsadf, (3+p))   
        auto Xbts = Xbt.select(0, j);
        Xbts.copy_(Xm.repeat({ adfs_count, 1 }).view({ adfs_count, nobsadf, (3 + p) }));
        for (int k = 0; k < adfs_count; k++) { 
            // Xbt[j, k, :k, :] = 0
            // nobt[j][k] = float(nobsadf - k - (p + 3));
            Xbts.select(0, k).narrow(0, 0, k).fill_(0);
            anobt[j][k] = float(nobsadf - k - (p + 3));


上述常用函数的 C++ 签名

Tensor Tensor::slice(int64_t dim, int64_t start, int64_t end, int64_t step)

Tensor Tensor::narrow(int64_t dim, int64_t start, int64_t length) 

Tensor Tensor::select(int64_t dim, int64_t index)

Tensor & Tensor::copy_(const Tensor & src, bool non_blocking=false)


几乎所有C++功能都有Pytorch Python等价物。所以这是我的黄金提示:

使用 C++ 等效函数翻译你的 python 脚本,例如,copy_测试它(以确保它工作),而不是仅仅去 C++ 复制所有内容。narrowslice

于 2020-02-04T14:24:11.287 回答