我正在尝试使用 C# 在控制台应用程序或 Windows 窗体应用程序中解析来自 OSI LaserScan AutoSense 615 LiDaR 的输入。

根据制造商,LiDaR 的输出是字节 11111110,然后是 30 字节的强度数据(值介于 00000000 和 11111111 之间)和 30 字节的距离数据(值介于 00000000 和 11111101 之间),然后是字节 11111111,然后是 30字节的强度数据和三十字节的距离数据。

LiDaR 的输出通过专有的 10 针端口到 9 针 RS-422 母端口,然后通过 9 针 RS-422 公端口、SeaLevel 制造的 RS-422 到 USB 适配器和USB 2.0 端口。我已经安装了驱动程序“SeaCOM for Windows v3.7.4”。在 Windows 设备管理器中,我将波特率设置为 14400。波特率 9600 会产生类似的结果。我还尝试了 Prolific USB 到串行 COMM 端口,它将 RS-232 转换为 USB,并产生了类似的结果。

我创建了以下 Windows 窗体应用程序,根据下面的代码隐藏,该应用程序在长度等于两个信息突发长度或 2 * 61 的字节数组中显示前束标头字节 (11111110) 的位置字节。这个位置大部分时间都是个位数。这是正确的起始字节吗?我发现当我将字节数组转换为 BitArray 时,字节的位是从右到左读取的。从索引较小的位置开始读取字节并转到较大的索引仍然很好吗?

如果我找到了 11111110 的位置,我会评估字节 11111111 是否在那个位置加上 61。有时会找到字节 11111111,但大多数时候不是。是否有与我缺少的 RS-422 协议相关的停止位?我的布线是否无法收集所有位?我是否应该从 11111110 开始,收集 60 多个字节,然后开始寻找 11111111?


namespace Serial_Communication
    public partial class formSerialCommunication : System.Windows.Forms.Form

        // Constructor formSerialCommunication initializes form components.
        public formSerialCommunication()

        // On loading formSerialCommunication, add available port names
        // to comboBoxAvailablePorts.
        void formSerialCommunication_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

        // Define a buttonOpenPort.Click event handler.
        private void buttonOpenPort_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

                // If buttonOpenPort has been clicked, but either a COM port is not selected
                // or the user has not entered a baud rate, add a message to textBoxReceivedData.
                if (comboBoxAvailablePorts.Text == "" || textBoxBaudRate.Text == "")
                    textBoxReceivedData.Text = "Please select port and enter baud rate.";

                    // Transfer the name of the selected COM port
                    // to serialPortAssociatedWithFormSerialCommunication.
                    serialPortAssociatedWithFormSerialCommunication.PortName =

                    // Transfer the user's baud rate
                    // to serialPortAssociatedWithFormSerialCommunication.
                    serialPortAssociatedWithFormSerialCommunication.BaudRate =

                    // Try to open the serial port.

                    // Cause a transition of progressBarConnectionStatus
                    // from gray / empty to green / full.
                    progressBarConnectionStatus.Value = 100;

                    // Disable buttonOpenPort.
                    buttonOpenPort.Enabled = false;

                    // Enable buttonClosePort.
                    buttonClosePort.Enabled = true;

                    // Enable buttonReceiveData.
                    buttonReceiveData.Enabled = true;



                textBoxReceivedData.Text =
                    "An UnauthorizedAccessException has been caught." +
                    "The exception is thrown when the operating system denies access" +
                    "because of an input / output error or a specific type of security error.";

        } // buttonOpenPort_Click

        // Define a buttonClosePort.Click event handler.
        private void buttonClosePort_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Close serial port.

            // Set progress bar at gray / empty.
            progressBarConnectionStatus.Value = 0;

            // Enable buttonOpenPort.
            buttonOpenPort.Enabled = true;

            // Disable buttonClosePort.
            buttonClosePort.Enabled = false;

            // Disable buttonReceiveData.
            buttonReceiveData.Enabled = false;

            // Clear text from textBoxPositionOfLeadingBeamHeaderByteInTwoBurstInput.
            textBoxPositionOfLeadingBeamHeaderByteInTwoBurstInput.Text = "";

            // Clear text from textBoxReceivedData.
            textBoxReceivedData.Text = "";


        // Create a buttonReceiveData.Click event handler.
        private void buttonReceiveData_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Refresh textBoxPositionOfLeadingBeamHeaderByteInTwoBurstInput.
            textBoxPositionOfLeadingBeamHeaderByteInTwoBurstInput.Text = "";

            // Refresh textBoxReceivedData.
            textBoxReceivedData.Text = "";

                // Define the number of bytes transmitted in one information burst
                // from an OSI LaserScan AutoSense 615 LiDaR.
                int bytesInInformationBurst = 61;

                // Define the number of bits transmitted in one information burst
                // from an OSI LaserScan AutoSense 615 LiDaR.
                int bitsInInformationBurst = 8 * bytesInInformationBurst;

                // Declare a buffer for bytes from the serial port.
                byte[] bufferAsByteArray = new byte[2 * bytesInInformationBurst];

                // Define an offset at which to write bytes in bufferAsByteArray.
                int offset = 0;

                // Read into bufferAsByteArray starting at position offset
                // bytesTransmittedInASecond bytes.
                    2 * bytesInInformationBurst);

                // Considering each byte in bufferAsByteArray...
                for (int i = 0; i < bytesInInformationBurst; ++i)
                    // If the present byte is 1111110...
                    if (bufferAsByteArray[i] == 0xFE)
                        // Display the position of the present byte in bufferAsByteArray.
                        textBoxPositionOfLeadingBeamHeaderByteInTwoBurstInput.Text =

                        if (bufferAsByteArray[i + 61] == 0xFF)
                            textBoxPositionOfLeadingBeamHeaderByteInTwoBurstInput.Text +=
                                ";" + System.Convert.ToString(i + 61);



            } // try

                textBoxReceivedData.Text =
                    "A TimeoutException has been caught." +
                    "The exception is thrown when the time allotted for a process or operation" +
                    "has expired.";
            } // catch(TimeoutException)




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