我正在尝试使用 rscopus 和从https://github.com/christopherBelter/scopusAPI获得的函数从 Scopus 中提取摘要

我有使用我的大学帐户的 API 密钥,但是在尝试将数据保存为 xml 时,使用:

theXML <- searchByString(string = query, outfile = "testdata.xml")


Error in searchByString(string = query, outfile = "testdata.xml") : Unauthorized (HTTP 401).
    3. stop(http_condition(x, "error", task = task, call = call))
    2. httr::stop_for_status(theURL) at scopusAPI.R#12
    1. searchByString(string = query, outfile = "testdata.xml")

自“:未经授权(HTTP 401)”以来,我的 API 密钥有问题吗?


1 回答 1


Have you tried validating your string outside of the script?

The Elsevier Developer Portal would be a good place to try out your string to confirm it works or to refine it so it works

于 2020-04-27T07:43:23.693 回答