I have a bunch of strings that looks like this


I would like to append a 0 in front of any digit that sits between the / and /. After the append, the results should look like this...


I am pretty sure that I need to use a simple regular expression for searching. I think /\d*/ should be sufficient but I am not sure how to modify the string to insert the digit 0. Can someone give me some advice?


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newString = string.replaceAll("/(\\d)(?=/)", "/0$1");

\\d is only one digit. Feel free to use \\d+ for one-or-more digits.

$1 means the part of the string that matched first thing that appears in brackets (with some exceptions), thus (\\d).

You need to use look-ahead (?=...) instead of just /(\\d)/ because otherwise


will become


instead of


(the / between 3 and 5 will get consumed during matching the 3 if you don't use look-ahead, thus it won't match on the 5).

This is not an issue (and you can simply use /(\\d)/) if the above string is not a possible input.

Java regex reference.

于 2013-06-14T14:39:44.257 回答