Graham Hutton,在 Haskell 编程的第 2 版中,最后两章讨论了基于堆栈机器的 AST 实现这一主题。最后,他展示了如何从AST的语义模型中推导出该机器的正确实现。
- 要求一些
不能做的事情,或者 - 要求
-- test/sbv-stack.lhs - Data.SBV assisted stack machine implementation derivation.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.SBV
import qualified Data.SBV.List as L
import Data.SBV.List ((.:), (.++)) -- Since they don't collide w/ any existing list functions.
-- AST Definition
data Exp = Val SWord8
| Sum Exp Exp
-- Our "Meaning" Function
eval :: Exp -> SWord8
eval (Val x) = x
eval (Sum x y) = eval x + eval y
type Stack = SList Word8
-- Our "Operational" Definition.
-- This function attempts to implement the *specification* provided by our
-- "meaning" function, above, in a way that is more conducive to
-- implementation in our available (and, perhaps, quite primitive)
-- computational machinery.
-- Note that we've (temporarily) assumed that this machinery will consist
-- of some form of *stack-based computation engine* (because we're
-- following Hutton's example).
-- Note that we give the *specification* of the function in the first
-- (commented out) line of the definition. The derivation of the actual
-- correct definition from this specification is detailed in Ch. 17 of
-- Hutton's book.
eval' :: Exp -> Stack -> Stack
-- eval' e s = eval e : s -- our "specification"
eval' (Val n) s = push n s -- We're defining this one manually.
push :: SWord8 -> Stack -> Stack
push n s = n .: s
eval' (Sum x y) s = add (eval' y (eval' x s))
add :: Stack -> Stack
add = uninterpret "add" s -- This is the function we're asking to be derived.
-- Now, let's just ask SBV to "solve" our specification of `eval'`:
spec :: Goal
spec = do x :: SWord8 <- forall "x"
y :: SWord8 <- forall "y"
-- Our spec., from above, specialized to the `Sum` case:
constrain $ eval' (Sum (Val x) (Val y)) L.nil .== eval (Sum (Val x) (Val y)) .: L.nil
λ> :l test/sbv-stack.lhs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test/sbv-stack.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
Collecting type info for 1 module(s) ...
λ> sat spec
Reason: smt tactic failed to show goal to be sat/unsat (incomplete quantifiers)
发生了什么?!好吧,也许,要求 SBV 解决谓词(即 - )
以外的任何问题都行不通?a -> Bool