是否有 Pandas 解决方案——例如:使用 numba 或 Cython——到transform/apply使用索引?

我知道我可以使用iterrows,itertuples或. 但是我想要做的应该是微不足道的矢量化......我已经为我的实际用例(可运行代码)构建了一个简单的代理: iteritemsitems

df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randn(8, 4),
    index=[np.array(['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux']),
           np.array(['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two'])])

namednumber2numbername = {
    'one': ('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four',
            'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'),
    'two': ('i',    'ii',  'iii', 'iv',    'v',
            'vi',   'vii', 'viii',  'ix',    'x')

def namednumber2numbername_applicator(series):        
    def to_s(value):
        if pd.isnull(value) or isinstance(value, string_types): return value
        value = np.ushort(value)
        if value > 10: return value

        # TODO: Figure out idx of `series.name` at this `value`… instead of `'one'`

        return namednumber2numbername['one'][value]

    return series.apply(to_s)



             0      1      2      3
bar one   zero   zero    one  65535
    two   zero   zero   zero   zero
baz one   zero   zero   zero   zero
    two   zero    two   zero   zero
foo one  65535   zero   zero   zero
    two   zero  65535  65534   zero
qux one   zero    one   zero   zero
    two   zero   zero   zero   zero


             0      1      2     3
bar one   zero   zero    one  65535
    two      i      i      i      i
baz one   zero   zero   zero   zero
    two      i    iii      i      i
foo one  65535   zero   zero   zero
    two      i  65535  65534      i
qux one   zero    one   zero   zero
    two      i      i      i      i

可能相关:如何在 pandas 中查询 MultiIndex 索引列值

本质上,我正在寻找与JavaScript 相同的Array.prototype.map行为(沿idx.


5 回答 5


我编写了一个非常快速的转换版本来获得这些结果。您也可以在生成器内部执行 np.ushort,它仍然很快,但在外部要快得多:

import time
df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randn(8, 4**7),
    index=[np.array(['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux']),
           np.array(['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two'])])

start = time.time()
df.loc[:,] = np.ushort(df)
df = df.transform(lambda x: [ i if i> 10 else namednumber2numbername[x.name[1]][i] for i in x], axis=1)
end = time.time()
print(end - start)

# 1.150895118713379


df = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(8, 4),
     index=[np.array(['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux']), 
           np.array(['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two'])]) 

start = time.time() 
df.loc[:,] = np.ushort(df) 
df = df.transform(lambda x: [ i if i> 10 else namednumber2numbername[x.name[1]][i] for i in x], axis=1) 
end = time.time() 
print(end - start)                                                                                                                                                                   
# 0.005067110061645508

In [453]: df                                                                                                                                                                                   
             0     1      2     3
bar one   zero  zero    one  zero
    two      i     i      i     i
baz one   zero  zero   zero  zero
    two      i     i     ii     i
foo one  65535  zero  65535  zero
    two      i     i      i     i
qux one   zero  zero   zero  zero
    two      i     i      i    ii


df.transform(lambda x: [ np.ushort(value) if np.ushort(value) > 10 else namednumber2numbername[pos[1]][np.ushort(value)] for pos, value in x.items()])                              

             0     1      2     3
bar one   zero  zero   zero  zero
    two      i     i     ii     i
baz one  65534  zero  65535  zero
    two     ii     i  65535     i
foo one   zero  zero   zero  zero
    two     ii     i      i    ii
qux one  65535  zero   zero  zero
    two      i     i      i     i

好的,没有 .items() 的版本:

def what(x): 
   if type(x[0]) == np.float64: 
      if np.ushort(x[0])>10: 
         return np.ushort(x[0]) 


            0     1      2      3
bar one  zero   one   zero   zero
    two     i    ii  65535      i
baz one  zero  zero  65535   zero
    two     i     i      i      i
foo one  zero   one   zero   zero
    two     i     i      i      i
qux one   two  zero   zero  65534
    two     i     i      i     ii

和一个班轮!!!!根据您的要求没有 .items!我们将级别 0 和 1 分组,然后执行计算以确定值:

df.groupby(level=[0,1]).transform(lambda x: np.ushort(x[0]) if type(x[0]) == np.float64 and np.ushort(x[0]) >10 else namednumber2numbername[x.index[0][1]][np.ushort(x[0])])

            0     1      2      3
bar one  zero   one   zero   zero
    two     i    ii  65535      i
baz one  zero  zero  65535   zero
    two     i     i      i      i
foo one  zero   one   zero   zero
    two     i     i      i      i
qux one   two  zero   zero  65534
    two     i     i      i     ii


df.transform(lambda x: [ str(x.name[0]) + '_' + str(x.name[1]) + '_' + str( pos)+ '_' +str(value) for pos,value in x.items()])

print('Transformed DataFrame:\n',
      df.transform(what), sep='')

Transformed DataFrame:
                             α                                                        ...                          ω                                                       ε
f                            a                          b                          c  ...                          b                           c                           j
one  α_a_one_79.96465755359696  α_b_one_31.32938096131651   α_c_one_2.61444370203201  ...   ω_b_one_35.7457972161041  ω_c_one_40.224465043054195  ε_j_one_43.527184108357496
two  α_a_two_42.66244395377804  α_b_two_65.92020941618344  α_c_two_77.26467264185487  ...  ω_b_two_40.91908469505522  ω_c_two_50.395561828234555   ε_j_two_71.67418483119914
one   α_a_one_47.9769845681328  α_b_one_38.90671671550259  α_c_one_67.13601594352508  ...  ω_b_one_23.23799084164898  ω_c_one_63.551178212994465  ε_j_one_16.975582723809303

这是一个没有 .items 的:

df.transform(lambda x: ['_'.join((x.name[0], x.name[1], x.index[0], str(i) if type(i) == float else 0)) for i in list(x)]) 


                             α                                                        ...                          ω                                                       ε
f                            a                          b                          c  ...                          b                           c                           j
one  α_a_one_79.96465755359696  α_b_one_31.32938096131651   α_c_one_2.61444370203201  ...   ω_b_one_35.7457972161041  ω_c_one_40.224465043054195  ε_j_one_43.527184108357496
two  α_a_two_42.66244395377804  α_b_two_65.92020941618344  α_c_two_77.26467264185487  ...  ω_b_two_40.91908469505522  ω_c_two_50.395561828234555   ε_j_two_71.67418483119914
one   α_a_one_47.9769845681328  α_b_one_38.90671671550259  α_c_one_67.13601594352508  ...  ω_b_one_23.23799084164898  ω_c_one_63.551178212994465  ε_j_one_16.975582723809303


df.T.apply(lambda x: x.name[0] + '_'+ x.name[1] + '_' + df.T.eq(x).columns + '_' + x.astype(str) ,  axis=1).T

or even better and most simple:

df.T.apply(lambda x: x.name[0] + '_'+ x.name[1] + '_' + x.index + '_' + x.astype(str) ,  axis=1).T 


df.T.transform(lambda x: x.name[0] + '_'+ x.name[1] + '_' + x.index + '_' + x.astype(str) ,  axis=1).T 

or with no .T:

df.transform(lambda x: x.index[0][0] + '_'+ x.index[0][1] + '_' + x.name + '_' + x.astype(str) ,  axis=1) 
                             α                                                        ...                          ω                                                       ε
f                            a                          b                          c  ...                          b                           c                           j
one  α_a_one_79.96465755359696  α_b_one_31.32938096131651   α_c_one_2.61444370203201  ...   ω_b_one_35.7457972161041  ω_c_one_40.224465043054195  ε_j_one_43.527184108357496
two  α_a_two_42.66244395377804  α_b_two_65.92020941618344  α_c_two_77.26467264185487  ...  ω_b_two_40.91908469505522  ω_c_two_50.395561828234555   ε_j_two_71.67418483119914
one   α_a_one_47.9769845681328  α_b_one_38.90671671550259  α_c_one_67.13601594352508  ...  ω_b_one_23.23799084164898  ω_c_one_63.551178212994465  ε_j_one_16.975582723809303
于 2019-12-22T09:40:54.723 回答

Transform默认情况下,将函数应用于每一列。您可以改为将其应用于指定轴参数 =或的每一。然后您可以访问行索引,并可以将其第二个名称字段传递给您的函数:1'columns'

    def namednumber2numbername_applicator(series):        
        def to_s(value, name):
            if pd.isnull(value): return value
            value = np.ushort(value)
            if value > 10: return value

            return namednumber2numbername[name][value]

        return series.apply(to_s, args=((series.name[1]),))

df.transform(namednumber2numbername_applicator, 1)


             0      1      2      3
bar one  65535   zero   zero  65535
    two     ii      i    iii  65535
baz one  65535   zero   zero  65535
    two      i      i  65535      i
foo one   zero   zero   zero   zero
    two      i  65535      i      i
qux one   zero   zero   zero  65535
    two      i      i      i      i
于 2019-12-22T12:11:34.003 回答


def myf(dataframe,dictionary):
return pd.DataFrame(arr,dataframe.index,dataframe.columns)


             0      1      2      3
bar one   zero    one    two  three
    two  65535     ii    iii  65535
baz one   zero    one  65535  three
    two      i     ii    iii     iv
foo one   zero  65535    two  three
    two      i     ii    iii     iv
qux one   zero  65535    two  65535
    two      i     ii    iii     iv


  • 此函数使用字典 ( m) 创建一个数据框并重新索引原始数据。
  • 发布此消息后,我们将添加一个额外的级别以使其成为与原始数据帧相同的多索引。(在 func 中打印 m 以查看 m)
  • 然后我们检查数据帧是否为 Null 或np.ushort值大于 10的条件
  • 如果条件匹配,则返回np.ushort来自 m 的匹配列的数据框 else 值。


于 2019-12-24T12:21:35.977 回答

使用 Series.map 的示例:

class dict_default_key(dict):
    def __missing__(self, key):
        return key

number_names = [
roman_numerals = [
    'i', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv', 'v', 'vi', 'vii', 'viii', 'ix', 'x'
name_mapping = {
    'one': dict_default_key(
        {c: v for c, v in enumerate(number_names)}
    'two': dict_default_key(
        {c: v for c, v in enumerate(roman_numerals)}

def translate(series):
    key = series.name[1]
    row_map = name_mapping[key]
    result = series.map(row_map)
    return result

ushorts = df.apply(np.ushort)
ushorts.apply(translate, axis=1)
于 2019-12-22T12:34:08.983 回答


# 1. Rewrite functions to include a parameter for `idx`
def some_fun_name(value, idx):  
    value = np.ushort(value)
    if value > 10: 
        return value
        return namednumber2numbername[idx][value]

def apply_some_fun_name(s):  
    idx = list(s.index.get_level_values(1).unique())[0]
    return s.transform(some_fun_name, idx=idx)

# 2. Apply function over the keys of the multi-index, replacing while operating:
df = df.groupby(level=1).transform(apply_some_fun_name)

# 3. I got the following result while using `np.random.seed(1)`:
             0      1     2      3
bar one    one   zero  zero  65535
    two      i  65534    ii      i
baz one   zero   zero   one  65534
    two      i      i    ii  65535
foo one   zero   zero  zero   zero
    two  65535     ii     i      i
qux one   zero   zero  zero   zero
    two      i      i     i      i

于 2019-12-25T06:32:18.860 回答