I have a datagridview with 3 columns and 19 rows.first two columns are read-only. The last column has values already set to 0. User has to input integer values in the last one and I need to validate if it is an integer.if not display message "Enter Integer". I came across the cellleave event and i was thinking it might be the right one to use to perform the check but i don't know how to call that event automatically.

To summarise

-- Values in 3rd column of datagridview already set to zero.

--user inputs value in 3rd column.

--if value is not integer display message "Please enter integer"

I am a beginner in c# and would really appreciate any help on that matter.


1 回答 1

 private void dataGridView1_CellValidating(object sender, DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
            DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell = dataGridView1[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell;

            if (cell != null)
                char[] chars = e.FormattedValue.ToString().ToCharArray();
                foreach (char c in chars)
                    if (char.IsDigit(c) == false)
                        MessageBox.Show("You have to enter digits only");

                        e.Cancel = true;


于 2012-04-21T21:52:12.390 回答