我正在开发一个 iphone 应用程序,我在其中提取 RSS 提要,然后解析它们。我的代码如下:

 - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    NSLog(@"in view did appear");

    if ([stories count] == 0) {
        NSString * path = @"http://www.shire.com/shireplc/rss.jsp";

        //[self parseXMLFileAtURL:path];
        //[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(parseXMLFileAtURL:) withObject:path];
        NSLog(@"internet is %d",[self checkInternet]);
        if([self checkInternet]==1)
        [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(parseXMLFileAtURL:) 
                              toTarget:self withObject:path];


 - (void)parseXMLFileAtURL:(NSString *)URL
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  stories = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

  //you must then convert the path to a proper NSURL or it won't work
  NSURL *xmlURL = [NSURL URLWithString:URL];

  // here, for some reason you have to use NSClassFromString when trying to alloc NSXMLParser, otherwise you will get an object not found error
  // this may be necessary only for the toolchain
  rssParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:xmlURL];

  // Set self as the delegate of the parser so that it will receive the parser delegate methods callbacks.
[rssParser setDelegate:self];

// Depending on the XML document you're parsing, you may want to enable these features of NSXMLParser.
[rssParser setShouldProcessNamespaces:NO];
[rssParser setShouldReportNamespacePrefixes:NO];
[rssParser setShouldResolveExternalEntities:NO];

[rssParser parse];

 [pool release];


谁能告诉我哪里出错了?我的日志如下: 日志: [切换到线程 12803] [切换到线程 12035] 2011-05-10 11:31:30.932 年度报告 [454:490b] 找到文件并开始解析 [切换到线程 14339] 2011- 05-10 11:32:04.742 年度报告[454:640b] 找到文件并开始解析 [切换到线程 13827] [切换到线程 13827] 程序收到信号:“EXC_BAD_ACCESS”。

gdb stack trace at 'putpkt: write failed':
0   gdb-arm-apple-darwin                0x0019026b remote_backtrace_self + 54

3 回答 3


我不确定,但我猜该方法的参数会在某个时候发布。您能否确保该方法中存在该 URLparseXMLFileAtURL

于 2011-05-10T06:15:05.027 回答


于 2011-05-16T08:56:03.673 回答

// 你可以使用方法,如果你不必更新 UserInterface 会更安全

 [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(parseXMLFileAtURL:) withObject:path];

如果 UserInterface 也需要更新,您可以先在后台解析数据并使用方法更新 ui。

[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(myUpdateUI) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
于 2013-05-30T08:11:09.957 回答