我目前正在尝试使用 3 个 EC2 实例在 AWS 上实施 HA 故障转移。假设这 3 台机器的名称是 HA1、HA2 和 HA3。HA1 有弹性 IP,另外两个有标准的公共 IP 来建立 SSH 连接。我已经在下面的列表中关注了这三个资源:

在我这样做之前完全没有问题,crm status因为我可以在 shell 上看到以下输出:

Current DC: PRep-01 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Mon Dec 16 15:01:40 2019
Last change: Mon Dec 16 15:01:31 2019 by root via cibadmin on PRep-01

3 nodes configured
1 resource configured

Online: [ PRep-01 PRep-02 PRep-03 ]

Full list of resources:

 deneme123      (ocf::heartbeat:awseip):        Stopped


sudo crm configure primitive deneme123 ocf:heartbeat:awseip params elastic_ip="xx.xx.xx.xx" awscli="$(which aws)" allocation_id="eipalloc-xxxxxxxxxx" op start timeout="60s" interval="0s" on-fail="restart" op monitor timeout="60s" interval="10s" on-fail="restart" op stop timeout="60s" interval="0s" on-fail="block" meta migration-threshold="2" failure-timeout="60s" resource-stickiness="100"


Dec 16 15:01:32 ip-172-31-47-76 crmd[30721]:   notice: Result of probe operation for deneme123 on PRep-02: 7 (not ru
Dec 16 15:01:32 ip-172-31-47-76 crmd[30721]:   notice: PRep-02-deneme123_monitor_0:5 [ You must specify a region. Yo
Dec 16 15:01:37 ip-172-31-47-76 lrmd[30714]:   notice: deneme123_start_0:30780:stderr [ You must specify a region. Y
Dec 16 15:01:37 ip-172-31-47-76 lrmd[30714]:   notice: deneme123_start_0:30780:stderr [ You must specify a region. Y
Dec 16 15:01:37 ip-172-31-47-76 lrmd[30714]:   notice: deneme123_start_0:30780:stderr [ You must specify a region. Y
Dec 16 15:01:37 ip-172-31-47-76 crmd[30721]:   notice: Result of start operation for deneme123 on PRep-02: 7 (not ru
Dec 16 15:01:37 ip-172-31-47-76 crmd[30721]:   notice: PRep-02-deneme123_start_0:6 [ You must specify a region. You 
Dec 16 15:01:38 ip-172-31-47-76 lrmd[30714]:   notice: deneme123_stop_0:30807:stderr [ You must specify a region. Yo
Dec 16 15:01:38 ip-172-31-47-76 lrmd[30714]:   notice: deneme123_stop_0:30807:stderr [ You must specify a region. Yo
Dec 16 15:01:38 ip-172-31-47-76 crmd[30721]:   notice: Result of stop operation for deneme123 on PRep-02: 0 (ok)

但我已经这样做aws configure并进入了该区域,也可以在 ~/.aws/config 上看到该区域。同时,我也添加AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-xx-1/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/pacemaker.service文件中。

问题是这里有什么问题?我看不出 AWS 区域有什么问题。是什么原因造成的?


2 回答 2


您必须正确配置安全组和 ACL 规则。

实例之间有 ping 吗?

于 2019-12-23T10:12:30.817 回答

似乎问题与 IAM 角色及其政策有关。一旦我创建了具有所需策略的角色,我就能够成功地使用 EIP 部署我的 HA 解决方案。

于 2019-12-24T11:04:22.213 回答