
当我使用一种语言环境与两种语言环境进行测试时,一种语言环境要快得多。是因为两个 Jetson nano 板之间的通信时间真的很大,还是我的实现没有利用这种工作方式CyclicDist


 use Random, Time, CyclicDist;
var t : Timer;

config const size = 10;
const Space = {1..size, 1..size};

const gridSpace = Space dmapped Cyclic(startIdx=Space.low);
var grid: [gridSpace] real;
const gridSpace2 = Space dmapped Cyclic(startIdx=Space.low);
var grid2: [gridSpace2] real;
const gridSpace3 = Space dmapped Cyclic(startIdx=Space.low);
var grid3: [gridSpace] real;
forall i in 1..size do {
    forall j in 1..size do {
        forall k in 1..size do {
            grid3[i,j] += grid[i,k] * grid2[k,j];
writeln("Size of matrix was:", size);



2 回答 2


该程序无法缩放的主要原因可能是计算从不使用除初始语言之外的任何语言环境。具体来说,forall 在范围内循环,就像您的代码中的那样:

forall i in 1..size do

始终使用在当前语言环境中执行的任务来运行所有迭代。这是因为范围不是 Chapel 中的分布式值,因此,它们的并行迭代器不会跨区域分布工作。因此,循环体的所有 size**3 执行:

grid3[i,j] += grid[i,k] * grid2[k,j];

将在语言环境 0 上运行,而它们都不会在语言环境 1 上运行。您可以通过将以下内容放入最内层循环的主体中来看到这种情况:

writeln("locale ", here.id, " running ", (i,j,k));

(其中here.id打印出当前任务正在运行的语言环境的 ID)。这将显示语言环境 0 正在运行所有迭代:

0 running (9, 1, 1)
0 running (1, 1, 1)
0 running (1, 1, 2)
0 running (9, 1, 2)
0 running (1, 1, 3)
0 running (9, 1, 3)
0 running (1, 1, 4)
0 running (1, 1, 5)
0 running (1, 1, 6)
0 running (1, 1, 7)
0 running (1, 1, 8)
0 running (1, 1, 9)
0 running (6, 1, 1)

将此与在分布式域上运行 forall 循环进行对比,例如gridSpace

forall (i,j) in gridSpace do
  writeln("locale ", here.id, " running ", (i,j));


locale 0 running (1, 1)
locale 0 running (9, 1)
locale 0 running (1, 2)
locale 0 running (9, 2)
locale 0 running (1, 3)
locale 0 running (9, 3)
locale 0 running (1, 4)
locale 1 running (8, 1)
locale 1 running (10, 1)
locale 1 running (8, 2)
locale 1 running (2, 1)
locale 1 running (8, 3)
locale 1 running (10, 2)

由于所有计算都在语言环境 0 上运行,但一半数据位于语言环境 1(由于分布的数组),因此生成大量通信以从语言环境 1 的内存中获取远程值到语言环境 0 以便计算它。

于 2019-12-16T20:07:37.230 回答

是因为两个 Jetson nano 板之间的通信时间(1) 真的很大,还是我的实现(2)没有利用这种工作方式? CyclicDist

第二种选择是肯定的:小尺寸数据的性能~ 100 x更差。CyclicDist



对处理效率的不利影响在单区域设置平台上得到证明,其中所有数据都驻留在区域设置本地存储空间中,因此不会增加任何 NUMA 板间通信附加成本。与Vass 的单次迭代 sum-product相比,实现了更~ 100 x差的性能forall{} D3

(直到现在才注意到 Vass 的性能促使从原始版本forall-in-D3-do-{}变为另一个配置 forall-in-D2-do-for{}的 -tandem-iterator 修订版 - 到目前为止,小尺寸 --fast --ccflags -O3 执行的测试显示 -iterator-的长度几乎只有一半forall-in-D2-do-for{}in-iterator 结果,甚至比 O/P Triple- forall{}original 提案更差,除了尺寸低于 512x512 和进行了 -O3 优化之后,但对于最小尺寸 128x128原始 Vass-D3

实现了每个单元的最高性能~ 850 [ns]独奏迭代器,令人惊讶的是没有 --ccflags -O3 (对于正在处理的更大数据布局,这可能会明显改变,--size={ 1024 | 2048 | 4096 | 8192 }如果更广泛的 NUMA 多语言环境和更高并行度的设备被投入比赛,则更多))

TiO.run platform uses   1 numLocales,
               having   2 physical CPU-cores accessible (numPU-s)
                 with   2 maxTaskPar parallelism limit

使用CyclicDistDATA 到内存布局的效果,不是吗?

通过对小尺寸 的测量进行验证,--size={128 | 256 | 512 | 640}有或没有轻微--ccflags -O3影响

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --fast
// ------
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took       255818 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the tested forall sum-product                           took         3075 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took         3040 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the tested forall sum-product                           took         2198 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the Vass-D3  orig sum-product                           took         1974 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <-- 127x      SLOWER with CyclicDist dmapped DATA
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took         2122 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took       252439 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took      2141444 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the tested forall sum-product                           took        27095 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took        25339 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the tested forall sum-product                           took        23493 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the Vass-D3  orig sum-product                           took        21631 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <--  98x      SLOWER then w/o CyclicDist dmapped data
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took        21971 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took      2122417 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     16988685 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     17448207 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product                           took       268111 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took       270289 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product                           took       250896 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the Vass-D3  orig sum-product                           took       239898 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <--  71x      SLOWER with dmapped CyclicDist DATA
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took       257479 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     17391049 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     16932503 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <~~ ~2e5 [us] faster without --ccflags -O3
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     35136377 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the tested forall sum-product                           took       362205 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops <--  97x      SLOWER with dmapped CyclicDist DATA
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took       367651 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the tested forall sum-product                           took       345865 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the Vass-D3  orig sum-product                           took       337896 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <-- 103x      SLOWER with dmapped CyclicDist DATA
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took       351101 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     35052849 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <~~ ~3e4 [us] faster without --ccflags -O3
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --fast --ccflags -O3
// --------------------
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took       250372 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the tested forall sum-product                           took         3189 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took         2966 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the tested forall sum-product                           took         2284 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the Vass-D3  orig sum-product                           took         1949 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <-- 126x      FASTER than with dmapped CyclicDist DATA
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took         2072 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 128, 128] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took       246965 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took      2114615 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the tested forall sum-product                           took        37775 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took        38866 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the tested forall sum-product                           took        32384 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the Vass-D3  orig sum-product                           took        29264 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <--  71x      FASTER than with dmapped CyclicDist DATA
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took        33973 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 256, 256] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took      2098344 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     17136826 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     17081273 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product                           took       251786 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took       266766 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product                           took       239301 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the Vass-D3  orig sum-product                           took       233003 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <~~ ~6e3 [us] faster with --ccflags -O3
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took       253642 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     17025339 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 512, 512] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     17081352 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <~~ ~2e5 [us] slower with --ccflags -O3
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     35164630 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the tested forall sum-product                           took       363060 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took       489529 [us] incl. fillRandom()-ops
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the tested forall sum-product                           took       345742 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <-- 104x      SLOWER with dmapped CyclicDist DATA
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the Vass-D3  orig sum-product                           took       353353 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <-- 102x      SLOWER with dmapped CyclicDist DATA
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the Vass-D2-k ver sum-product                           took       471213 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops <~~~12e5 [us] slower with --ccflags -O3
// For grid{1,2,3}[ 640, 640] the tested forall sum-product over dmapped Cyclic Space took     35075435 [us] excl. fillRandom()-ops

在任何情况下,Chapel 团队的洞察力(无论是在设计方面还是在测试方面)都很重要。@Brad 被要求提供类似的测试覆盖和比较,主要是针对更大的尺寸--size={1024 | 2048 | 4096 | 8192 | ...}和具有多语言环境和多语言环境解决方案的“更广泛”-NUMA 平台,可在 Cray 为 Chapel 团队的研发,这不会受到硬件和~ 60 [s]公共、赞助、共享TiO.RUN平台的限制。

于 2019-12-14T20:18:45.797 回答