我对 firebase 应用程序分发有疑问。我正在使用 Xcode 11,并且有新的 iOS 开发证书,即 Apple 开发证书。

我添加了 fastlane,将插件添加到 fastlane 以用于 firebase-app-distribution。


note: Using new build system
[19:55:21]: ▸ note: Planning build
[19:55:21]: ▸ note: Constructing build description
[19:55:21]: ▸ error: No profile for team 'TEAM_ID' matching 'App Name Development' found: Xcode couldn't find any provisioning profiles matching 'TEAM_ID/App Name Development'. Install the profile (by dragging and dropping it onto Xcode's dock item) or select a different one in the Signing & Capabilities tab of the target editor. (in target 'AppNameDev' from project 'AppName')

我对其他应用程序有类似的配置和快速通道,但在 Xcode 10 中运行,我认为它有旧证书 iOS 开发而不是新的 Apple 开发,它可以正确构建和分发。

我可以使用存档构建这个应用程序,导出 .ipa 并通过 firebase 控制台手动分发它,它可以工作。


 There seems to be a mismatch between your provided `export_method` in gym
[19:55:21]: and the selected provisioning profiles. You passed the following options:
[19:55:21]:   export_method:      
[19:55:21]:   Bundle identifier:  com.company.AppNameDev
[19:55:21]:   Profile name:       App Name Development
[19:55:21]:   Profile type:       development

所以它只是建议我已经在 build_ios_app 的 Fastfile 文件中正确输入的配置文件名称和类型以及捆绑 ID

desc "Firebase App Distribution to testers"
  lane :firebase_distribution do 
           workspace: "AppName.xcworkspace", 
                   configuration: "Release", 
           scheme: "AppName Dev",
           silent: true,
           clean: true,
           output_directory: "firebase-builds",
           output_name: "appname.ipa", 
           sdk: "iphoneos13.1",
           export_options: {
                method: "development",
                   provisioningProfiles: { 
                    "com.company.AppNameDev" => "App Name Development"

                   app: "<id goes here>",
               testers_file: "fastlane/crashlytics_testers.txt",
                   release_notes: "Lots of amazing new features to test out!",
                   firebase_cli_path: "/usr/local/bin/firebase"

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