我正在 Unity 中按类别编写问答游戏。类别是通过返回 JSON 文本的 PHP 脚本获得的,* 当我在 UnityEditor 中使用此解决方案时,它可以正常工作,但是当我在移动设备上安装 .apk 时,反序列化不起作用*

与 mysql 数据库和 PHP 脚本的连接工作正常,因为在我登录之前它工作正常

string json = [
    {   "id_cat":"1",
    {   "id_cat":"4",
    {   "id_cat":"5",


lsSubCategorias = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Categoria>>(json, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore });


我使用 NuGet 安装了 Newtonsoft.Json,它出现在参考资料中。


问题是它在 Unity 编辑器中工作,但在我的 android 设备上不起作用


类型错误:System.PlatformNotSupportedException ToString 错误():Error.ToString()


2 回答 2


我使用 NuGet 安装了 Newtonsoft.Json,它出现在参考资料中。

Unity3d il2cpp 目标(如移动设备)不支持来自 NuGet 的 Newtonsoft.Json。使用资产商店中的 Newtonsoft.Json fork,就像这个

于 2019-12-05T22:05:34.743 回答

As answered by @DoctorPangloss Newtonsoft.Json has trouble when building with the IL2CPP scripting backend. This is due to Newtonsoft.Json not having any fully AOT-supported builds available.

There are plenty of third-party solutions who delivers Newtonsoft.Json with AOT-support. The linked JSON .NET by ParentElement is a great such solution, however that project has been dead for a couple of years now, and only gives Newtonsoft.Json up to version 8.0.3.

I would suggest looking at my repository, delivering Newtonsoft.Json up to version 12.0.3 (at time of writing) and delivered via the builtin Unity Package Manager: https://github.com/jilleJr/Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity#readme

To know more, read my post about What even is AOT? from the context of Newtonsoft.Json.

于 2020-01-19T23:07:28.800 回答