

Perform a fresh checkout from SVN
1. Start IntelliJ IDEa.

2.In the "Quick Start" menu, select "Check out from Version Control".
This will display a drop-down box.

3.In the drop-down box, select "Subversion". 
This will open a "Checkout from Subversion" dialog.

4.In the "Checkout from Subversion" dialog, click the "+" button in the top left to add a new Repository. 
This will open a "New Repository Location" dialog.

5.In the "New Repository Location" dialog, enter the svn checkout location of cTakes.
Click "Ok". 
This will inspect the repository.

6.Click the "Expand" triangle.
This should display the directory listing of trunk.
Click "Checkout". 

This will open a "Destination Directory" dialog.
Enter a local directory in which to keep trunk (your sandbox).
Click "Ok". This will open a "Checkout Options" dialog. 
The default options ("Head", etc.) are fine for most users.
Click "Ok". 
This will open a "Working Copy Format" dialog.
Select a (version) format and click "Ok". I use version 1.8, but any should be fine. 
This will start the actual checkout and display a progress dialog. The checkout may take a little while.
After the checkout has completed, a new dialog will ask you if you'd like to open the project. Click "No".

但是当我到达第 5 步时,我输入 svn 位置


无法运行程序“svn”(在目录“C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2019.3”中):

CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件





1 回答 1



... 现在需要使用命令行 svn 客户端与 Subversion 集成。

在 2018.1 中,SVNKit 库已从 IntelliJ 平台中删除,导致上述更改。

此外,市场上似乎没有 svn 客户端插件。

所以你应该按照这里的建议安装 svn 命令行

IntelliJ IDEA 与 Subversion 插件捆绑在一起。除此之外,您还需要在您的机器上下载并安装命令行客户端。

于 2019-11-30T08:32:05.663 回答