I'm looking mediaconvert service from aws to transcode videos. The value I'm trying to set just now is quality level (QL) for QVBR, according with this it could depends on the platform, for example for 720p/1080p resolution it proposes QL=8/9 (for TV), QL=7 (for tablet), QL=6 (for smartphone).

In fact, the app have a version for the 3 type of devices then I'm asking: I need to keep 3 versions for the same video? I want to save some money in streaming and my app has similar number of users using it in each platform, I want to save in bandwidth but providing good quality videos


1 回答 1


较高的 QVBR 质量级别 (QL) 对应于输出中较高的比特率。

对于电视等大型显示器,建议使用更高的 QVBR QL 以帮助改善观看体验。但是,在手机等较小的显示器上查看相同的内容时,您可能不需要所有这些额外的部分来获得良好的体验。


这个概念被称为自适应比特率 (ABR) 流,是 HLS 和 DASH(以及其他)等流格式的共同特征。MediaConvert 文档也有一节介绍如何创建 ABR 输出:https ://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/video-abr-streaming-outputs.html

于 2020-10-21T17:33:00.700 回答