我有一个 Amazon S3 帐户,我想在其中存储多个文件目录。
这些文件和文件夹会定期更改,我不希望每次添加或删除文件时都必须重写任何 html。
您可以使用 Javascript 列出文件。
您将 list.html 放在要列出的每个目录中。
如果您使用的是 S3 网站功能,则这些文件都不起作用。
我创建了一个简单的 JS,它创建了一个 HTML 样式的目录索引,它适合您正在寻找的内容:https ://github.com/rgrp/s3-bucket-listing
您可以将它直接安装到您的 s3 存储桶或单独的网站中(感谢 S3 REST API 支持 CORS!)。自述文件对此有完整说明:https ://github.com/rgrp/s3-bucket-listing
you should use the Amazon S3 API to list the buckets and files within them
a bucket can represent a folder (will be easier than using prefix's on the file name)
after creating your buckets and uploading the files to them
you can present the buckets on a page with a List All My Buckets request
once a user clicks on a given bucket you can get the files in it using a List Bucket request
another last click on the file to generate a url for the object so the user can download it without wasting your bandwidth
you can find many implementations to the amazon s3 api here