

我想把一个软件放在 U 盘上。如果没有驱动器中的 USB 记忆棒,该软件需要有效地无法使用,也许是为了防止硬件篡改。

该软件不会批量生产;它具有利基吸引力,因此我们谈论的是在其生命周期内可能售出 1000-10000 台。

USB 记忆棒在某些方面可能是非标准的,因为标准 USB 记忆棒通常是用户可读的。该软件无需任何安装即可从 U 盘运行,理想情况下,它必须在没有有效互联网连接的计算机上运行。

这可能吗 ?有什么办法可以做到这一点,即使在有限的范围内?



2 回答 2


硬件解决方案:将一个 USB 集线器、一个商业 USB 软件保护设备和您的 USB 数据棒放入一个整洁的小塑料盒中。


于 2019-11-20T15:15:37.937 回答

You could add a preregistered key to this USB and make it read only.

You can make it a read-only USB stick via software, via hardware or both (google have tons of ways of doing it)

This key could be as complicated as you please, a simple static word saved on a file, or a mathematical function that generates a key based on a common variable (software on the USB stick that runs when requested or when plug in, that generates a key based on the computer uptime for instance, something that can be verified by your software).

Your software only runs when this key is validated. On the software side you can also make it simple (search for a file in all available USBs and read static keys from a file). And you can make it more secure and complex, such as protecting the key with a asynchronous data encryption. And making the software only accept a specific versions or meta data coming from the USB device connected to the computer before reading the key from it, such as a specific serial number, driver and model name, (to make sure is one of yours).

All those things though can be hacked if a person wants to. Offline security validations are hardly failproof, but definitely you can keep most average ppl out of the loop.

You only need to evaluate how difficult you think is worth making it to crack. depends on your public and how bad it is to you if it is cracked (think about how many hours and effort a guy need to employ to be able to crack it, and if you believe that is more than what your target is willing to spend than you are probably safe)

于 2019-11-20T09:59:26.827 回答