我刚刚收到来自 Google 的电子邮件:

有关加州消费者隐私法 (CCPA) 的重要更新

基本上,这是the GDPR欧洲规则的精简版,但对于加利福尼亚居民来说,它将开始使用Jan 1, 2020谷歌说


当我点击AdMob 链接时,它显示:



使用Google GDPR 同意书 SDK让我的生活变得非常轻松。sdk 可以使用以下代码确定用户是否在 GDPR 区域内:

import PersonalizedAdConsent
PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.debugGeography = .EEA
if PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.isRequestLocationInEEAOrUnknown { ... }



iOS 页面的 CCPA 代码说要添加此代码:

let request = DFPRequest()
let adNetworkExtras = GADExtras()
adNetworkExtras.additionalParameters = [ "rdp" : "1" ]

我可以通过是/否选项向用户显示“请勿出售我的个人信息”的警报,如果他们想退出,则设置上述代码。与 GDPR 同意书不同,这里的大问题是确定用户是否是CA 州居民

The law establishes various rights for California state residents. I only want to present the form to users who are California state residents but there is a dilemma.

1- the user is located IN CA and IS a CA state resident (present them the alert)

2- the user is located OUTSIDE CA and IS a CA state resident (present them the alert)

3- the user is located IN CA and IS NOT a CA state resident (don't present anything)

4- the user is located OUTSIDE CA and IS NOT a CA state resident (don't present anything)

How can I determine if the user is located in CA vs them being a resident of CA so I know who to present the “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” alert to?

These are 4 very real situations that I cannot figure out how to parse.


2 回答 2


This answer doesn't really answer my own question only because there doesn't seem a viable way for a small developer to work around this issue.

In the comments underneath the question @matt suggested to just show the form to everyone in the US but that gives everyone in every state the option to opt-out. As a solo developer every dollar counts. I can understand the larger issue at hand but I need money to survive and to support my app business. If everyone everywhere has the option to opt-out I can loose income from the few people I currently have using my app (non-personalized ads brings in less revenue).

If I serve personalized ads to CA state residents without giving them the option to opt-out I'm in violation of the law.

It's like a "you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't” type situation smh.

Outside of simply presenting an alert that asks the user if they are or aren't a CA state resident to avoid problems with the law the safest bet is just to let Google decide.

Go to AdMob, login, and follow the 3 steps in red in the pic below:


It should be noted that Google decides for both options and I choose restricted. Maybe you want to choose Don't Restrict but Google will make a determination on that also.

于 2019-11-23T17:19:39.573 回答


于 2019-12-08T11:34:48.280 回答