
我正在使用Microsoft Hololens 1开发者版进行研究augmented reality。我想通过应用程序跟踪头部gaze cursorhead gaze position信息。

请指导我的研究有多少种可能的方法来跟踪head gazehead-gaze cursor原始数据信息。



2 回答 2


Please guide how many possible ways to track head gaze or head-gaze cursor raw data information for my research.

What kind of data do you mean by “raw data”?If you mean the raw data from the sensor at the hardware level, the answer is no.

But if your expectation is to get the direction and origin of Gaze and the position of Head-Gaze Cursor. You can get that from GazeProvider at MRTK:

void LogGazeDirectionOrigin()
    Debug.Log("Position at which the gaze hit an object: "
        + CoreServices.InputSystem.GazeProvider.HitInfo.point);
    Debug.Log("Gaze is looking in direction: "
        + CoreServices.InputSystem.GazeProvider.GazeDirection);
Debug.Log("Gaze origin is: "
        + CoreServices.InputSystem.GazeProvider.GazeOrigin);

The GazeProvider as an Input Source so users can interact with objects through the use of a pointer. The above code shows how to obtain hit information and call the field point in it to obtain the cursor position. In addition, MRTK does not provide a method that returns the position of the cursor with a timestamp. If you can tolerate a slight delay there's nothing preventing you from doing it in your own code.

于 2019-11-26T08:32:08.283 回答





于 2019-11-19T12:19:40.930 回答