我正在尝试使用 python 和通过 skimage 进行模板匹配来稳定视频。该代码应该在整个视频中跟踪一个点,但跟踪非常不精确,我怀疑它甚至无法正常工作
from skimage.feature import match_template
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
def track_point(video, x, y, patch_size = 4, search_size = 40):
length, height, width, _ = video.shape
frame = rgb2gray(np.squeeze(video[1, :, :, :])) # convert image to grayscale
x1 = int(max(1, x - patch_size / 2))
y1 = int(max(1, y - patch_size / 2))
x2 = int(min(width, x + patch_size / 2 - 1))
y2 = int(min(height, y + patch_size / 2 - 1))
template = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] # cut the reference patch (template) from the first frame
track_x = [x]
track_y = [y]
half = int(search_size/2)
for i in range(1, length):
prev_x = int(track_x[i-1])
prev_y = int(track_y[i-1])
frame = rgb2gray(np.squeeze(video[i, :, :, :])) # Extract current frame and convert it grayscale
image = frame[prev_x-half:prev_x+half,prev_y-half:prev_y+half] # Cut-out a region of search_size x search_size from 'frame' with the center in the point's previous position (i-1)
result = match_template(image, template, pad_input=False, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # Compare the region to template using match_template
ij = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(result), result.shape) # Select best match (maximum) and determine its position. Update x and y and append new x,y values to track_x,track_y
x, y = ij[::-1]
x += x1
y += y1
return track_x, track_y
points = track_point(video, point[0], point[1])
# Draw trajectory on top of the first frame from video
image = np.squeeze(video[1, :, :, :])
figure = plt.figure()
plt.gca().plot(points[0], points[1])
编辑:这是视频的链接:https ://upload-video.net/a11073n9Y11-noau