欢迎来到 Stack Overflow manju。对于未来的问题,请注意,提供一个最小的可重现示例,实际上提供该示例最符合您的利益;它帮助别人帮助你。下面是一个示例,说明如何为其他人提供示例数据以供使用:
## Set seed for reproducibility
## Generate data
x <- rnorm(10)
M <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
## Output code for others to copy your objects
这是我将使用的数据,以表明您的 C++ 代码实际上并不比 R 慢。我使用了您的 C++ 代码(添加了缺少的分号):
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat foo(const arma::vec& x, const arma::mat& M) {
arma::colvec diagonal(x.size());
for ( int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++ )
diagonal(i) = exp(x[i]);
arma::mat D = diagmat(diagonal);
return M.t() * D * M;
另请注意,我必须对返回对象的类型和函数参数的类型做出一些自己的选择(这是一个最小的可重现示例可以帮助您的地方之一:如果这些选择影响我的结果怎么办?)然后我创建一个 R 函数来执行foo()
bar <- function(v, M) {
D <- diag(exp(v))
return(crossprod(M, D %*% M))
为D %*% M
. 让我们仔细检查它们是否给出相同的结果:
all.equal(foo(x, M), bar(x, M))
# [1] TRUE
bench <- microbenchmark(cpp = foo(x, M), R = foo(x, M), times = 1e5)
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max
# cpp 22.185 23.015 27.00436 23.204 23.461 31143.30
# R 22.126 23.028 25.48256 23.216 23.475 29628.86
cpp_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "cpp"])
R_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "R"])
cpp_time_dens <- density(cpp_times[cpp_times < quantile(cpp_times, 0.95)])
R_time_dens <- density(R_times[R_times < quantile(R_times, 0.95)])
plot(cpp_time_dens, col = "blue", xlab = "Time (in nanoseconds)", ylab = "",
main = "Comparing C++ and R execution time")
lines(R_time_dens, col = "red")
legend("topright", col = c("blue", "red"), bty = "n", lty = 1,
legend = c("C++ function (foo)", "R function (bar)"))
正如Dirk Eddelbuettel在评论中有用地指出的那样,最终 R 和犰狳都会调用 LAPACK 或 BLAS 例程——除非你能给犰狳一个关于如何做得更多的提示,否则你不应该期望有太大的不同高效的。
是的!正如mtall在评论中指出的那样,我们可以给犰狳暗示我们正在处理对角矩阵。我们试试看; 我们将使用以下代码:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat baz(const arma::vec& x, const arma::mat& M) {
return M.t() * diagmat(arma::exp(x)) * M;
all.equal(foo(x, M), baz(x, M))
# [1] TRUE
bench <- microbenchmark(cpp = foo(x, M), R = foo(x, M),
cpp2 = baz(x, M), times = 1e5)
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max
# cpp 22.822 23.757 27.57015 24.118 24.632 26600.48
# R 22.855 23.771 26.44725 24.124 24.638 30619.09
# cpp2 20.035 21.218 25.49863 21.587 22.123 36745.72
cpp_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "cpp"])
cpp2_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "cpp2"])
R_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "R"])
cpp_time_dens <- density(cpp_times[cpp_times < quantile(cpp_times, 0.95)])
cpp2_time_dens <- density(cpp2_times[cpp2_times < quantile(cpp2_times, 0.95)])
R_time_dens <- density(R_times[R_times < quantile(R_times, 0.95)])
xlims <- range(c(cpp_time_dens$x, cpp2_time_dens$x, R_time_dens$x))
ylims <- range(c(cpp_time_dens$y, cpp2_time_dens$y, R_time_dens$y))
ylims <- ylims * c(1, 1.15)
cols <- c("#0072b2", "#f0e442", "#d55e00")
cols <- c("#e69f00", "#56b4e9", "#009e73")
labs <- c("C++ original", "C++ improved", "R")
plot(cpp_time_dens, col = cols[1], xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims,
xlab = "Time (in nanoseconds)", ylab = "",
main = "Comparing C++ and R execution time")
lines(cpp2_time_dens, col = cols[2])
lines(R_time_dens, col = cols[3])
legend("topleft", col = cols, bty = "n", lty = 1, legend = labs, horiz = TRUE)