我在phyloseq工作中使用了很多。我的数据集通常包含多个条件或参数,需要以相同的方式进行分析(例如,夏季或冬季的细菌和 Lake1 或 Lake2 的相同图),所以我想为此使用函数。我写了一个子集函数,它允许我通过循环组合多个参数。输出存储在列表中以供进一步分析。



a) 使用多个for loops来生成子集是一个好主意。

b) 此外,可以优化for loops和的组合。lapply


这里讨论了 for 循环是否比 apply 慢:lapply vs for loop - Performance R


2)我的第二个问题是如何处理这种情况,如果不是所有搜索参数都存在于所有子集中?所以在下面的例子中,如果没有丹麦男性,“丹麦”和“M”的组合就会中断。我想避免这种情况,在这个例子中只有 3 个(丹麦 x F,美国 x F,美国 x M)而不是 4 个子集。目前,该函数需要适应每个特殊的子集,这首先破坏了编写它的目的。

# reduce the size of the data set
phyloseq <- filter_taxa(enterotype, function (x) {sum(x > 0.001) >= 1}, prune = TRUE)

# arguments for the subsetting function
phyloseq_object <- phyloseq
Nationality <- c("american", "danish")
Gender <- c("F", "M")

# define a function to obtain sample subsets from the phyloseq object 
# per combination of parameters
get_sample_subsets <- function(phyloseq_object, nation, gender) {
  sample_subset <- sample_data(phyloseq_object)[ which(sample_data(phyloseq_object)$Nationality == nation &
    sample_data(phyloseq_object)$Gender == gender),]
  phyloseq_subset <- merge_phyloseq(tax_table(phyloseq_object),
  phyloseq_subset2 <- filter_taxa(phyloseq_subset, function (x) {sum(x > 0) >= 1 }, prune = TRUE)

# here we pass the arguments for subsetting over two for loops
# to create all possible combinations of the subset parameters etc.
# the subsets are stored within a list, which has to be empty before running the loops 
sample_subset_list <- list()
if(length(sample_subset_list) == 0) {
  for (nations in Nationality) {
    for (gender in Gender) {
      tmp <- get_sample_subsets(phyloseq_object = phyloseq_object,
        nation = nations, gender = gender)
      sample_subset_list[[paste(nations, gender, sep = "_")]] <- tmp
} else {
  print("list is not empty, abort to prevent appending...")

# You could now for example use the output to calculate ordinations for each subset (this data set has too few entries per subset for that)

# create a list where the distance metrics for the sample subsets are stored
ordination_nmds <- list()
ordination_nmds <- lapply(sample_subset_list, ordinate, method = "NMDS",
  dist = "bray", try = 100, autotransform = TRUE)

1 回答 1


适用于 S3 但不适用于 S4(见评论)

由于我不熟悉 S4,如果有更好的结果出现,我可能会删除这个答案。


# I changed the data because "phyloseq" package require further install
    ex_data = mtcars

# this line might replace your "get_sample_subsets" function and your loop to check if they are empty lists
# You can modify the elements inside list(...) to get the wanted subsets, it is very flexible
    sampled_data = split(ex_data, list(ex_data$cyl, ex_data$vs), drop = TRUE) # note the drop = TRUE, to avoid "empty" elements
于 2019-11-14T11:08:07.027 回答