When unit testing, what is the best approach to mocking out Akka Streams calls involving Sources, Flows and Sinks?
For example, the takeWhile
def takeWhile(p: Out => Boolean): Repr[Out]
Where Repr
is a trait within a trait:
trait FlowOps[+Out, +Mat] {
import akka.stream.impl.Stages._
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
type Repr[+O] <: FlowOps[O, Mat] {
type Repr[+OO] = FlowOps.this.Repr[OO]
type Closed = FlowOps.this.Closed
If an object under test calls something like: mySource.takeWhile( ... ).runWith( ... )
I might need to mock it out...
How do you work out how to mock out, e.g., mock[Source[Any, Any]].takeWhile(*) returns mock[?]
The interactions between Source
, Repr
, FlowOps
, and Out
are unclear to me.
The source code for the FlowOps
trait warns that it is internal and that one should not derive from it...does this affect mocking it?