我正在使用 Infinite Scroll ( https://infinite-scroll.com/ ) 在 Wordpress 中加载大型图片库。我还使用 Fancybox ( https://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/ ) 在灯箱中显示这些图像。
理想情况下,当灯箱打开时,用户应该能够循环浏览整个图片库(不仅仅是当前加载的图片库)。然而,Fancybox 只显示在 Fancybox 被触发之前通过无限滚动加载的图像。要查看更多图片,您需要关闭 Fancybox,滚动页面以无限滚动加载其他图片,然后重新打开 Fancybox。
有没有办法让 Fancybox 显示完整的图片库,并且不受 Infinite Scroll 当前加载的“页面”的限制?
// Infinite Scroll
path: '.nextLink',
append: '.masonry-brick',
history: false,
hideNav: '.pageNav',
outlayer: msnry
// Fancybox
selector : '[data-fancybox="images"]',
loop: false,
// Infinite Scroll
path: '.nextLink',
append: '.masonry-brick',
history: false,
hideNav: '.pageNav',
outlayer: msnry
// Fancybox
selector: '[data-fancybox="images"]',
loop: false,
beforeShow: function(instance, current) {
// When we reach the last item in current Fancybox instance, load more images with Infinite Scroll and append them to Fancybox
if (current.index === instance.group.length - 1) { // 1. Check if at end of group
// 2. Trigger infinite scroll to load next set of images
// 3. Get the newly loaded set of images
$container.on( 'load.infiniteScroll', function( event, response ) {
var $posts = $(response).find('.masonry-brick');
// 4. Set up an array to put them in
var newImages = [];
$($posts).each( function( index, element ){
// 5. Construct the objects
var a = {};
a['type'] = 'image';
a['src'] = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
// 6. Add them to the array
// 7. And append to this instance