我有一个已知cameraMatrixdistCoeffs. 我也有一个固定的棋盘,transform并且rotation向量也是使用solvePnP.

我想知道如何在棋盘所在的同一平面上获得 2D 点的 3D 位置,如下图所示:


可以肯定的一件事是该点的Z为 0,但是如何获得该点的XY。


2 回答 2


您可以通过 3 个简单的步骤解决此问题:


通过反转相机投影模型,计算对应于给定 2d 图像点的射线的 3d 方向矢量,以相机的坐标系表示:

std::vector<cv::Point2f> imgPt = {{u,v}}; // Input image point
std::vector<cv::Point2f> normPt;
cv::undistortPoints     (imgPt, normPt, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
cv::Matx31f ray_dir_cam(normPt[0].x, normPt[0].y, 1);
// 'ray_dir_cam' is the 3d direction of the ray in camera coordinate frame
// In camera coordinate frame, this ray originates from the camera center at (0,0,0)


使用相机和棋盘之间的相对位姿计算此射线在附加到棋盘的坐标系中的 3d 方向:

// solvePnP typically gives you 'rvec_cam_chessboard' and 'tvec_cam_chessboard'
// Inverse this pose to get the pose mapping camera coordinates to chessboard coordinates
cv::Matx33f R_cam_chessboard;
cv::Rodrigues(rvec_cam_chessboard, R_cam_chessboard);
cv::Matx33f R_chessboard_cam = R_cam_chessboard.t();
cv::Matx31f t_cam_chessboard = tvec_cam_chessboard;
cv::Matx31f pos_cam_wrt_chessboard = -R_chessboard_cam*t_cam_chessboard;
// Map the ray direction vector from camera coordinates to chessboard coordinates
cv::Matx31f ray_dir_chessboard = R_chessboard_cam * ray_dir_cam;

第 3 步:

通过计算 3d 射线与 Z=0 的棋盘平面之间的交点来找到所需的 3d 点:

// Expressed in the coordinate frame of the chessboard, the ray originates from the
// 3d position of the camera center, i.e. 'pos_cam_wrt_chessboard', and its 3d
// direction vector is 'ray_dir_chessboard'
// Any point on this ray can be expressed parametrically using its depth 'd':
// P(d) = pos_cam_wrt_chessboard + d * ray_dir_chessboard
// To find the intersection between the ray and the plane of the chessboard, we
// compute the depth 'd' for which the Z coordinate of P(d) is equal to zero
float d_intersection = -pos_cam_wrt_chessboard.val[2]/ray_dir_chessboard.val[2];
cv::Matx31f intersection_point = pos_cam_wrt_chessboard + d_intersection * ray_dir_chessboard;
于 2019-10-24T19:55:37.987 回答

由于您的情况仅限于平原,简单的方法是使用 Homography。

首先不扭曲您的图像。然后使用findHomography计算 Homography 矩阵,它将您的像素坐标(图像)转换为真实坐标(欧几里得空间,例如 cm)。类似于这个的东西:

#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>

//points on undistorted image (in pixel). more is better
vector<Point2f>  src_points = { Point2f(123,321), Point2f(456,654), Point2f(789,987), Point2f(123,321) };
//points on chessboard (e.g. in cm)
vector<Point2f>  dst_points = { Point2f(0, 0), Point2f(12.5, 0), Point2f(0, 16.5), Point2f(12.5, 16.5) }; 
Mat H = findHomography(src_points, dst_points, RANSAC);

//print euclidean coordinate of new point on undistorted image (in pixel)
cout << H * Mat(Point3d(125, 521, 0)) << endl;
于 2019-10-24T12:09:10.510 回答