- 您可以通过为 AutoCursor 设置 TickMarker 来隐藏 Axes 上的框。这可以通过图表的 AutoCursor 来完成,如下所示:
// Modify the Chart's AutoCursor
chart.setAutoCursor( cursor => cursor
// Dispose of the information box over the X and Y Axis respectively
- 您可以通过修改 Chart 的 AutoCursor 来更改光标框中内容的样式:
// Modify the Chart's AutoCursor
chart.setAutoCursor( cursor => cursor
// Modify the ResultTable (i.e. cursor box)
.setResultTable( rt => rt
// Style the text inside the box
.setTextFillStyle( fillStyle => fillStyle.setColor(ColorHEX('#996699') )
// Alternatively you can have the text inside the cursor box change color
// automatically depending on the hovered Series:
chart.setAutoCursor(cursor => cursor
// Color the cursor box's text automatically based on hovered Series style.
- 光标框默认使用悬停系列的名称作为标题。您可以通过修改 Series 的 ResultTable Formatter 来更改此设置:
// Modify the ResultTable Formatter for a Series.
lineSeries.setResultTableFormatter( ( builder, _, xValue, yValue ) => {
return builder
.addRow( 'Custom Title' )
// Adding an empty string between the String and the xValue will align the
// text nicely inside the box.
.addRow( 'X Value:', '', xValue.toString() )
// Alternatively, undefined can be used to align the text in the same manner
// as with empty string.
.addRow( 'Y Value:', undefined, yValue.toString() )
} )