Google's documentation on php file uploads says the gs_bucket_name option is "The name of a Google Cloud Storage bucket that the blobs should be uploaded to. If you don't specify a value, the blob is uploaded to the application's default bucket." this defaults to "app_default_bucket". How is this default set?

Is this possible to change by a environmental setting in the app.yaml?


1 回答 1


默认存储桶是作为替换旧 App Engine blobstore 的一部分而推出的新概念。创建应用程序时,它会自动在 Google Cloud Storage 中分配一个关联的存储桶 - 这将被称为默认存储桶。默认存储桶不能在此过程之外手动配置。


但是,目前,PHP 应用程序需要将存储桶本身配置为传递给createUploadUrl调用的选项数组的一部分。

于 2013-09-10T01:52:53.060 回答