Maybe it is a dumb quesion but I really cannot find a good document about what is Liberty Maven Plugin and what it is used for ?

I have checked some posts like How to redeploy artifact with liberty-maven-plugin? but it is not about the basic things. I need a good basic document,

  1. what is it?
  2. why should we use it?
  3. why should not we use it?
  4. what are the advantages ?...

1 回答 1


Liberty Maven 插件为管理 Liberty 运行时提供了许多目标,包括下载和安装运行时、启动/停止服务器、安装功能部件和部署应用程序。该插件是开源的,代码和文档可在 Github 上找到:https ://github.com/OpenLiberty/ci.maven

这里有一个关于使用 Liberty Maven 插件和 Open Liberty 构建和测试简单 Web 应用程序的指南和示例项目:https ://openliberty.io/guides/maven-intro.html

于 2019-10-10T19:15:09.380 回答