很直接。我只想在thinkscript中打印。如果这个问题表明我通过提出这个问题而错过了 thinkscript 的一个关键元素,请也告诉我。
207 次
2 回答
使用这样的东西:AddLabel(yes, if close > 0 then "whatyouwanttoprint"
于 2021-03-08T15:18:37.870 回答
如果您正在寻找用于调试目的的输出方法,例如,@Mteam888 的答案,AddLabel是一种方法。另一个是AddChartBubble:
#hint: Demonstrates adding a chart bubble at a given bar number and a label showing the last (most recent) bar number.\nNote: bar[0] is the rightmost, or most recent, bar. It is actually n bars from the leftmost side of the chart;\nbar[1] is one bar left of bar[0], and bar[2] is 2 bars left of bar 0.\nThis example also shows no plot is required in this case.
def isLastBar = !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]);
def lastBarNum = if isLastBar then BarNumber() else 0;
AddChartBubble( "time condition"=(BarNumber() == 15), "price location"=high, text="BarNumber" + BarNumber(), color=Color.YELLOW);
AddChartBubble( "time condition"=(BarNumber() == 30), "price location"=high, text="BarNumber" + BarNumber(), color=Color.YELLOW);
AddChartBubble( "time condition"=(BarNumber() == 45), "price location"=high, text="BarNumber" + BarNumber(), color=Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(visible=isLastBar, text="bar[0] (rightmost): " + lastBarNum, color=Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(visible=isLastBar, text="bar[1]: " + (lastBarNum - 1), color=Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(visible=isLastBar, text="bar[2]: " + (lastBarNum - 2), color=Color.ORANGE);
#plot Data = close; #plot is not required if only adding labels/chart bubbles
于 2021-03-22T01:32:57.717 回答