我正在使用 stm8l - 发现并且我创建了一个代码,用于使用计时器(TIM1)每 1 秒切换一次 LED,但这不能正常工作。我在我的配置中遗漏了一些东西
enter code here
#include <iostm8l.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "defs.h"
unsigned int count = 0;
@svlreg @interrupt void TIM1(void)
count += 1;
TIM1_SR1 &= ~(0x01);
CLK_DIVR = 0x00; // Set the frequency to 16Mhz
CLK_PCKENR2 = 0x02; // clock for timer1
PC_DDR = 0x80; // direction output for led
PC_CR1 = 0x80; // fast push pull mode
PE_DDR = 0x80; // direction output for led
PE_CR1 = 0x80; // fast push pull mode
TIM1_PSCRH = 0x3e; //to create a frequency for 1000 hz
TIM1_PSCRL = 0x80; // so prescalar is 16000
TIM1_CR1 = 0x01;
TIM1_IER = 0x01;
if (count == 1000)
PE_ODR ^= 0x80;
count = 0;
中断只进入一次,之后就不再进入。所以变量“count”保持在值 1