I am using the graph API to retrieve the mail from mail folders. For example I got a mail, I will change or edit the subject line and store the conversation id for future use. if I got the reply mail for the same email chain I got different conversation id. How to handle this, I need to find out the reply mail.

"subject": "Test",
"conversationId": "AAQkADU1YWM2MjMyLTVkOGQtNDdiMy05YWM4LTE4NTNlYzg1ZWRiNwAQADofdbq8_JtJkY8M5wnunlU=",

reply msg:

"subject": "Re: Test1",
"conversationId": "AAQkADU1YWM2MjMyLTVkOGQtNDdiMy05YWM4LTE4NTNlYzg1ZWRiNwAQAHu3pWtxNmBFjdfyjYaVGKc=",

I need to find this ts reply message.


1 回答 1


I'd suggest you use the In-Reply-To header https://wesmorgan.blogspot.com/2012/07/understanding-email-headers-part-ii.html in that way you can relate multiple replies (to the same replied to message) in a Message chain etc. You can either get the In-Reply-To header by requesting the InternetHeaders https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/internetmessageheader?view=graph-rest-1.0 (this will return all the headers) or you can request the extended property to just get that one property eg

于 2019-09-18T23:21:16.370 回答