I would like to access the database from a computer (PC2) connected to the network (Hamachi) I've created in my local unit (PC1). My goal is to achieve data sharing between two databases through a php program as the system for querying the databases, and the Hamachi as my VPN. I'm using SQLyog for the MySQL GUI.

Here's a map of my plan:

  DB1 <<--------  --------->> DB2              1. PC1 is the owner of the VPN created via Hamachi
   |           |  |            |               2. PC2 joins the PC1 in the VPN
   |       Data Sharing        |               3. Hamachi assigns IP addresses to each PC
   |           |  |            |               4. PC1 should be able to manage DB2 & vice versa
  PC1----- + HAMACHI < ------ PC2

So far, I am able to use the IP address assigned to each pc by the Hamachi to access the local database. Using PC1, I type in the SQLyog the PC1 Hamachi IP and the standard credentials that I use. Here's an example: Hamachi_network SQLyog_Authentication

My problem is I am unable to access the DB2 in PC1. Likewise, I am unable to open DB1 with PC2. There are no problems with the VPN since I can browse the shared files of each computer. Additionally, since the assigned IP addresses work on their corresponding computer, the Hamachi can function like a server for the hosting of the system and database. The only thing left is the data sharing between the two dbs.

// Error message in the SQLyog:
Error No. 2003
Can't connect to MySQL server on 'hamachi_ip' (10060)

1 回答 1


Thanks to the link provided by Kris, I found the solution to this problem. Basically, I just need to uncheck Hamachi in the Protected Connections of Windows Firewall. (This should be applied on all PCs connected to the VPN)

于 2019-09-18T07:53:47.660 回答