脚本 1:
ipmo WPK
$ConnectionString = $ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Integrated Security=True"
$conn = new-object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = $ConnectionString
function Invoke-sql1
param( [string]$sql,
$cmd = new-object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand($sql,$connection)
$ds = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLDataAdapter($cmd)
$da.fill($ds) | Out-Null
return $ds.tables[0]
function Show-Bockmarks ($conn) {
New-ListView -Name ListView -View {
New-GridView -AllowsColumnReorder -Columns {
New-GridViewColumn "title"
} -show -On_Loaded {
$ff_sql = @"
SELECT 'abc' title
SELECT 'efg' title
$TableView = $window | Get-ChildControl ListView
$TableView.ItemsSource = @(Invoke-sql1 -sql $ff_sql -connection $conn)
Show-Bockmarks $conn
脚本 2:
ipmo WPK
$ConnectionString = $ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Integrated Security=True"
$conn = new-object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = $ConnectionString
function Invoke-sql2
param( [string]$sql,
$cmd = new-object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand($sql,$connection)
$ds = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLDataAdapter($cmd)
$da.fill($ds) | Out-Null
function Show-Bockmarks ($conn) {
New-ListView -Name ListView -View {
New-GridView -AllowsColumnReorder -Columns {
New-GridViewColumn "title"
} -show -On_Loaded {
$ff_sql = @"
SELECT 'abc' title
SELECT 'efg' title
$TableView = $window | Get-ChildControl ListView
$TableView.ItemsSource = @(Invoke-sql2 -sql $ff_sql -connection $conn)
Show-Bockmarks $conn
第一个脚本在网格中显示 2 行,而第二个脚本在网格中显示空行。第二个似乎与此类似
ipmo WPK
$ConnectionString = $ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Integrated Security=True"
$conn = new-object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = $ConnectionString
$ff_sql = @"
SELECT 'abc' title
SELECT 'efg' title
function Show-Bockmarks ($conn) {
New-ListView -Name ListView -View {
New-GridView -AllowsColumnReorder -Columns {
New-GridViewColumn "title"
} -show -On_Loaded {
$TableView = $window | Get-ChildControl ListView
$cmd = new-object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand($ff_sql,$conn)
$ds = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLDataAdapter($cmd)
$da.fill($ds) | Out-Null
$TableView.ItemsSource = @($ds.tables[0].rows)
Show-Bockmarks $conn
注意这里不使用函数,我必须明确使用 $ds.tables[0] .rows。否则我得到错误
Exception setting "ItemsSource": "Cannot convert the "Table"
value of type "System.Data.DataTable"
to type "System.Collections.IEnumerable"."
PowerShell 函数不会返回对象可能会解释为什么它的行为类似于没有返回的函数。但是返回如何使 2 行显示在网格中?
函数 Invoke-sqlite 和 Invoke-sqlite1 几乎相同。
唯一的区别是 Invoke-sqlite 使用显式返回。当我执行时,差异非常微妙
$o1 = Invoke-sqlite $sql $conn
$o2 = Invoke-sqlite2 $sql $conn
我看不出有什么区别。但是在下面脚本的完整上下文中,使用 Invoke-sqlite 的网格填充了数据,使用 Invoke-sqlite 的网格填充了空行。
顺便说一句:脚本的目的是在 firefox places.sqlite 历史数据库的副本中搜索包含 1 到 3 个关键字组合的书签。您必须修改 dll 第 5 行的路径和 sqlite 数据库第 8 行的路径。
如果您对 System.Data.SQLite.dll 有问题,请参阅此
ipmo WPK
if (! $sqlitedll)
$sqlitedll = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("C:\Program Files\System.Data.SQLite\bin\System.Data.SQLite.dll")
$ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\Var\sqlite_ff4\places.sqlite"
$conn = new-object System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = $ConnectionString
# $sql = "SELECT * from moz_bookmarks t1 where parent = 4 and t1.title = 'sqlite' or t1.title = 'sql'"
function Invoke-sqlite
param( [string]$sql,
$cmd = new-object System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand($sql,$connection)
$ds = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da = New-Object System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter($cmd)
$da.fill($ds) | Out-Null
return $ds.tables[0]
function Invoke-sqlite2
param( [string]$sql,
$cmd = new-object System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand($sql,$connection)
$ds = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da = New-Object System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter($cmd)
$da.fill($ds) | Out-Null
# $o1 = Invoke-sqlite $sql $conn
# $o2 = Invoke-sqlite2 $sql $conn
function Show-Bockmarks ($resource) {
#New-StackPanel -Orientation vertical {
New-Grid -Rows 2 -Columns 1 -width 1400 -hight 1000 {
New-StackPanel -Orientation horizontal -column 0 -row 0 -Children {
New-Label '1. Keyword'
New-TextBox -Name tag1 -width 200
New-Label '2. Keyword'
New-TextBox -Name tag2 -width 200
New-Label '3. Keyword'
New-TextBox -Name tag3 -width 200
New-Button -Name Search "search" -On_Click {
$text1 = $window | Get-ChildControl Tag1
$tag1 = $text1.Text
$text2 = $window | Get-ChildControl Tag2
$tag2 = $text2.Text
$text3 = $window | Get-ChildControl Tag3
$tag3 = $text3.Text
if ( $tag2 -ne '') {
$clause2 = @"
join moz_bookmarks l2 on b.fk = l2.fk and b.id <> l2.id
join moz_bookmarks t2 on l2.parent = t2.id and t2.parent = 4 and upper(t2.title) = upper('$tag2')
} else { $clause2 = '' }
if ( $tag3 -ne '') {
$clause3 = @"
join moz_bookmarks l3 on b.fk = l3.fk and b.id <> l3.id
join moz_bookmarks t3 on l3.parent = t3.id and t3.parent = 4 and upper(t3.title) = upper('$tag3')
} else { $clause3 = '' }
$ff_sql = @"
SELECT b.title, datetime (b.dateAdded / 1000000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') dateAdded , p.url
from moz_bookmarks b
join moz_bookmarks l1 on b.fk = l1.fk and b.id <> l1.id
join moz_bookmarks t1 on l1.parent = t1.id and t1.parent = 4 and upper(t1.title) = upper('$tag1')
join moz_places p on b.fk = p.id $clause2 $clause3
where b.title is not null and b.type = 1
# $query = $window | Get-ChildControl query
# $query.text = $ff_sql
$conn = $resource.conn
$window.Title = "$($conn.database) Database Browser"
$TableView = $window | Get-ChildControl TableView
$TableView.ItemsSource = Invoke-sqlite -sql $ff_sql -connection $conn
# New-textbox -Name query
New-Button -Name Cancel "Close" -On_Click {$window.Close()}
# -VerticalScrollBar $True
# New-ScrollViewer {
New-ListView -Column 0 -Row 1 -Name TableView -View {
New-GridView -AllowsColumnReorder -Columns {
New-GridViewColumn "title"
New-GridViewColumn "dateAdded"
New-GridViewColumn "url"
} -On_SelectionChanged {
start $this.selecteditem.url
} -asjob -Resource $resource
Show-Bockmarks -resource @{conn = $conn}