My eclipse project has one glitch and one glitch only which is a line of code in automatically generated R file.

How do I find the associated error be it in layout of my resources or in my values strings? I don't know where the error or disfunction is from in the R file.

Please help and advanced thanks to anyone who answers.



2 回答 2


Check your eclipse Problem or Marker tab, which will tell you exactly which xml resource or image have problem.

于 2013-08-28T10:37:05.897 回答


可能是在诸如 strings.xml 之类的资源文件中输入了一个字母,或者您的某个布局文件中的语法不正确。


检查您的资源,例如布局文件、颜色和字符串资源。您的任何 .xml 文件都可能存在问题,因此请全部检查。通常它是微不足道的,所以不要放弃寻找。

于 2013-08-28T10:59:23.797 回答