use tempdb
drop table if exists dw_table
drop table if exists dw_table_stg
create table DW_Table
Id int identity,
Valid_Start_Date date,
Valid_End_Date date,
Current_Flag bit,
Account_Key int ,
constraint uk_account_current unique (Account_Key, Current_Flag),
Col1 int,
Col2 int,
Col3 int
insert into DW_Table (Account_Key,Col1, Col2, Col3, Current_Flag)
values (1,2,3,4,1),(2,2,3,4,1),(3,2,3,4,1)
declare @DW_Table_stg table( Account_Key int primary key, Col1 int, Col2 int, Col3 int)
insert into @DW_Table_stg (Account_Key,Col1, Col2, Col3) values (1,2,5,12)
insert into [DW_Table]
( Account_Key, Valid_Start_Date, Valid_End_Date, Current_Flag, Col1, Col2, Col3)
select Account_Key, Getdate(), NULL, 1, Col1, Col2, Col3
merge into [DW_Table] AS t
using @DW_Table_stg AS s
ON ( s.Account_Key = t.Account_Key )
when matched and t.Current_Flag = 1 and checksum(s.Col1,s.Col2,s.Col3) <> checksum(t.Col1,t.Col2,t.Col3)
then update set t.Current_flag = 0, t.Valid_End_Date = getdate()
when not matched
then insert (Valid_Start_Date, Valid_End_Date, Current_Flag,Account_Key, Col1, Col2, Col3)
values (getdate(), null, 1, s.Account_Key,s.Col1, s.Col2, s.Col3)
output $action [ActionType], s.*
) d
where [ActionType] = 'UPDATE'
select *
from DW_Table
order by current_flag desc, Account_key