I'm currently trying to shade inside and outside a circle in JSXgraph, similar to an inequality.

My current code to create a circle:

 var A = board.create('point', [h, k], { name: '', size: 0, fixed: true}),
        B = board.create('point', [h, k+r], { name: '', size: 0, fixed: true}),
        graph = board.create('circle', [A, B], { id: field, size: 0, fixed: true });
    graph.on('down', function (e, i) {
    graphMap.set(field, graph);
    inequality(">", field, graph, color);

I have found that you can shade inside using these object proprieties:

{strokeWidth: 2, dash: 2, fillColor: 'red', fillOpacity: 0.3}

However, nothing in shading outside.

Any suggestions ?


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