我正在构建一个 nextflow 管道,通过测序 (GBS) 数据(单端 Illumina)进行映射和变异调用基因分型。我的大部分内容都基于 nf-core/eager 管道,因为它有许多我想合并到我的管道中的工具。我已经在样品上测试了管道,它工作得很好。但是,当我尝试在更多样本上运行管道时,它会很好地提取读取的文件并使用 fastp 修剪它们。但是,当我尝试在修剪后的文件上运行 bwa mem 时,它只能在修剪后的 fastq 文件之一上工作,它似乎是随机选择的,这意味着下游进程只能在一个文件上运行。我尝试了一些不同的东西,但似乎都不起作用。我猜这可能与 fasta 参考/bwa 指数不是价值渠道有关?有什么建议么?

//read reference fasta channel

    .ifEmpty { exit 1, "No genome specified! Please specify one with --fasta or --bwa_index"}
    .into {ch_fasta_for_bwa_indexing; ch_fasta_for_faidx_indexing; ch_fasta_for_variant_call; ch_fasta_for_bwamem_mapping; ch_fasta_for_qualimap}


process build_bwa_index {
    tag {fasta}

    publishDir path: "${params.outdir}/bwa_index", mode: 'copy', saveAs: { filename ->
            if (params.saveReference) filename
            else if(!params.saveReference && filename == "where_are_my_files.txt") filename
            else null

    when: !params.bwa_index && params.fasta


    file fasta from ch_fasta_for_bwa_indexing
    file wherearemyfiles


    file "*.{amb,ann,bwt,pac,sa,fasta,fa}" into bwa_index_bwamem
    file "where_are_my_files.txt"

    bwa index $fasta

///bwa_align process

process bwa_align {
    tag "$name"

    publishDir "${params.outdir}/mapping/bwamem", mode: 'copy'

    set val(name), file(reads) from trimmed_fastq
    file fasta from ch_fasta_for_bwamem_mapping
    file "*" from bwa_index_bwamem

    file "*_sorted.bam" into bwa_sorted_bam_idxstats, bwa_sorted_bam_filter
    file "*.bai"


    bwa mem $fasta ${reads[0]} -t ${task.cpus} | samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -o ${name}_sorted.bam
    samtools index -@ ${task.cpus} ${name}_sorted.bam
    } else {
    bwa mem $fasta ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} -t ${task.cpus} | samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -o ${name}_sorted.bam
    samtools index -@ ${task.cpus} ${name}_sorted.bam


我希望 bwa_align 进程在本示例中由 fastp 进程生成的两个文件上运行

Pipeline name  : trishulagenetics/genocan
Pipeline version: 0.1dev
Run name       : exotic_hoover
Reads          : data_2/*.R{1,2}.fastq.gz
Fasta reference: GCA_000230575.4_ASM23057v4_genomic.fna
bwa index      : false
Data type      : Single-end
Max Memory     : null
Max CPUs       : null
Max Time       : null
Output dir     : ./results
Working dir    : /home/debian/Trishula/SRR2060630_split/test/work
Container Engine: docker
Container      : trishulagenetics/genocan:latest
Current home   : /home/debian
Current user   : debian
Current path   : /home/debian/Trishula/SRR2060630_split/test
Script dir     : /home/debian/.nextflow/assets/trishulagenetics/genocan
Config Profile : docker
executor >  local (14)
[b1/080d6a] process > get_software_versions                                      [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[4e/87b4c2] process > build_bwa_index (GCA_000230575.4_ASM23057v4_genomic.fna)   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[27/64b776] process > build_fasta_index (GCA_000230575.4_ASM23057v4_genomic.fna) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[f6/b07508] process > fastqc (P2_E07_M_0055)                                     [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
[87/ecd07c] process > fastp (P2_E07_M_0055)                                      [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
[50/e7bf8c] process > bwa_align (P2_A01_M_0001)                                  [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[c1/3647bc] process > samtools_idxstats (P2_A01_M_0001_sorted)                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[0c/68b22c] process > samtools_filter (P2_A01_M_0001_sorted)                     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[de/c26b2d] process > qualimap (P2_A01_M_0001_sorted.filtered)                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[bc/f7cf86] process > variant_call (P2_A01_M_0001)                               [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[6f/2a9ab8] process > multiqc                                                    [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[bb/b8b957] process > output_documentation (null)                                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[trishulagenetics/genocan] Pipeline Complete
Completed at: 17-Aug-2019 09:51:48
Duration    : 19m 34s
CPU hours   : 0.3
Succeeded   : 14

1 回答 1


是 - 基本上最好避免将您的 fasta 文件拆分为多个通道,而只使用一个隐含的值通道的值:

ref_fasta = file(params.fasta)

process build_bwa_index {

    storeDir ...

    file ref_fasta

    file "*.{amb,ann,bwt,pac,sa}" into bwa_index

    bwa index "${ref_fasta}"

process bwa_mem {

    publishDir ...

    set name, file(reads) from trimmed_fastq
    file ref_fasta
    file "*" from bwa_index

于 2019-08-19T02:49:09.253 回答