除了这个问题之外,我还想在模拟期间进行几次跳跃。正如@LutzL 建议的那样,我尝试在循环中的每个阶段执行一个模拟,并使用该Connection
方法将它们缝合在一起,最终状态为Phase 1 == initial states of Phase 2
异常:@error:模型表达式 *** 函数字符串语法错误:缺少运算符
11.55,11.55,11.55,11.55,11.55 ?
喂食时间和速率应理解为:[t_start, t_end]
,因此有两个喂食事件(分别从t = 2
和开始t = 3.1
)。一个需要 0.7,另一个需要 0.2(天)。所以有五个阶段(numOfPhases
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gekko import GEKKO
# Construct input schedule
feedingTimes = np.array([2, 2.7, 3.1, 3.3])
feedingRates = np.array([60, 0, 430, 0])
tf = 5
# Number of phases
numOfPhases = len(feedingTimes) + 1
# Construct time vectors (unequally spaced for now)
timeVector = np.zeros((numOfPhases, 10))
timeVector[0,:] = np.linspace(0, feedingTimes[0], 10)
for tI in np.arange(1,numOfPhases-1):
timeVector[tI,:] = np.linspace(feedingTimes[tI-1], feedingTimes[tI], 10)
timeVector[-1,:] = np.linspace(feedingTimes[-1], tf, 10)
#Initialize Model
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
q_in = [m.Var(0.0, lb=-2, ub=500, fixed_initial=False) for i in range(numOfPhases)]
# (Example of) same parameter for each phase
k_1 = m.Param(value = 0.19)
f_1 = m.Param(value = 29.0)
V_liq = m.Param(value = 159.0)
X_in = m.Param(value = 271.77)
Y_in = m.Param(value = 164.34)
# Variables (one version of x for each phase)
X = [m.Var(value = 11.55) for i in range(numOfPhases)]
Y = [m.Var(value = 11.55*0.2) for i in range(numOfPhases)]
rho_1 = [m.Intermediate(k_1*X) for i in range(numOfPhases)]
q_prod = [m.Intermediate(0.52*f_1*X) for i in range(numOfPhases)]
# Equations (different for each phase)
for pI in range(numOfPhases):
m.time = timeVector[pI,:]
m.Equations([X[pI].dt() == q_in[pI]/V_liq*(X_in - X[pI]) - rho_1[pI], \
Y[pI].dt() == q_in[pI]/V_liq*(Y_in - Y[pI])])
# Connect phases together at endpoints
for pI in range(numOfPhases-1):
m.Connection(X[pI+1], X[pI], 1, len(m.time)-1, 1, 3)
m.Connection(Y[pI+1], Y[pI], 1, len(m.time)-1, 1, 3)
m.options.IMODE = 4
plt.plot(m.time, q_in.value, label='q_in')
plt.plot(m.time, X.value, label='X')