我目前正在研究一个 CPU 非常繁重的模拟,并且已经转移到作业系统 + 突发编译,并且可以大大提高性能。也就是说,切换到工作系统创造了一个新的瓶颈。我想问是否有任何方法可以规避这种情况。

这是我的模拟的工作原理。它基本上在世界空间中移动一个 2d 矩形并捕获路径上的网格坐标。没有工作,最大的瓶颈是SampleLine,有了工作系统,瓶颈是trajectory.Add/.AddNativeoccupied.IndexOf

    NativeList<JobHandle> jobHandleList = new NativeList<JobHandle>(Allocator.Temp);
    List<NativeArray<float>> timestampList = new List<NativeArray<float>>();
    List<NativeList<int2>> resultList = new List<NativeList<int2>>();
    while (simulate)
        time += timestep;

        NativeArray<float> timestampArr = new NativeArray<float>(1, Allocator.TempJob);
        NativeList<int2> result = new NativeList<int2>(Allocator.TempJob);
        JobHandle jobHandle = GetOccupiedTilesJob(timestep, dummy, grid, ref timestampArr, ref result);

    // get data from jobs and clean up
    for(int i = 0; i < timestampList.Count; i++)
        // TODO: once unity supports it, use resultList[i].ToList()
        /*List<int2> coordinates = new List<int2>();
        for(int j = 0; j < resultList[i].Length; j++)
        trajectory.Add(timestampList[i][0], coordinates);*/
        trajectory.AddNative(timestampList[i][0], resultList[i]);


    return trajectory;

trajectory.Add使用 a Dictionary<int2, float2>,而 .AddNative 使用 aNativeHashMap<int2, float2>来存储值。trajectory.Add几乎是 AddNative 的两倍,即使我必须先将 NativeList 的所有值复制到一个无用的 List 中。通过使用 Array 作为缓冲区,我可能会使其更快。


public struct GetOccupiedTiles : IJob
    public float2 A;
    public float2 B;
    public float2 C;
    public float2 D;

    public float timestamp;
    public NativeArray<float> timestampArr; // only for storage
    public NativeList<int2> result;

    [ReadOnly] public float2 gridCenter;
    [ReadOnly] public float cellSize;

    public void Execute()
        float rate = cellSize / 4f;

        result.Add(WorldToCell(A, gridCenter, cellSize));
        result.Add(WorldToCell(B, gridCenter, cellSize));
        result.Add(WorldToCell(C, gridCenter, cellSize));
        result.Add(WorldToCell(D, gridCenter, cellSize));

        SampleLine(A, B, rate, ref result, gridCenter, cellSize);
        SampleLine(B, C, rate, ref result, gridCenter, cellSize);
        SampleLine(C, D, rate, ref result, gridCenter, cellSize);
        SampleLine(D, A, rate, ref result, gridCenter, cellSize);

        float2 AB = (B - A);
        float2 AB_normalized = math.normalize(AB);
        float2 DC_normalized = math.normalize(C - D);
        float length = math.sqrt(AB.x * AB.x + AB.y * AB.y);
        float current = rate;
        while (current < length)
            float2 X = A + AB_normalized * current;
            float2 Y = D + DC_normalized * current;

            SampleLine(X, Y, rate, ref result, gridCenter, cellSize);
            current += rate;

        timestampArr[0] = timestamp;

    private static void SampleLine(float2 A, float2 B, float sampleRate, ref NativeList<int2> occupied, float2 gridCenter, float cellSize)
        float2 AB = (B - A);
        float2 AB_scaled = math.normalize(AB) * sampleRate;
        float2 test = A + AB_scaled;
        float length = math.sqrt(AB.x * AB.x + AB.y * AB.y);
        float current = sampleRate;

        while (current < length)
            int2 cell = WorldToCell(test, gridCenter, cellSize);
            // optimally i want to use a hashset here because .IndexOf is very slow
            if (occupied.IndexOf(cell) == -1) occupied.Add(cell);
            test += AB_scaled;
            current += sampleRate;

    public static int2 WorldToCell(float2 vector, float2 gridCenter, float cellSize)
        return (int2)math.floor(-(gridCenter - vector) / cellSize);

现在我的问题是,如何防止代价高昂的NativeListvsList转换?为什么将 a 添加NativeList到 aNativeHashMap比将 a 转换NativeList为 aList并将该列表添加到 a 慢Dictionary

另外,将工作分成更小的工作可能会更好,因为我可以调用SampleLine甚至WorldToCell并行调用?但是我不知道工作是否可以开始其他工作,或者我是否应该只做WorldToCell一份工作(因为它被称为最多)并在普通 C# 中完成其余的工作?我对工作系统完全陌生,所以我不知道应该如何“工作”。我可以把它留在一个大工作中,我可以做很多小工作,WorldToCell或者我可以把所有三个计算都做一个工作。


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