This question was originaly posted in rapidapi forum

Basically, I want to use one of the free APIs provided by RapidApi (skyscanner api)..

It is quite straighfoward if you log in RapidApi. You are rerdirected to OAUTH2 server (gmail in my case) and then X-RapidAPI-Key is filled in automatically. I want to call it from my application but how can I retrieve X-RapidAPI-Key?

For instance, I guess I can call via PostMan some url from RapidApi.com which will redirect me to gmail and then I log in and it will provide me such X-RapidAPI-Key. I have looked for such info in their site but I didn't find it. Maybe it is so obvious but I don't know how to figure out it.

I assume it is exactly what it is happening behind the scene when rapidApi.com ask me to log in with my gmail/github/facebook account. Kindly, don't misunderstand my question as asking how to develop or consume an OAUTH2 server. It is quite specific about getting X-RapidAPI-Key from rapidapi.com without accessing it throw a browser.


1 回答 1


RapidAPI 和 Skyscanner 似乎都不支持它。您应该联系支持/社区并分别询问两者。

根据此 Oauth 流程发生的位置,如果兼容,您始终可以尝试一些 cURL 来对特定 web 应用程序(例如 rapidapi)执行登录操作。然后,输出必要的元素以用作值。


于 2019-07-29T22:01:23.220 回答