A::A(A const& other)
: a(other.a), b(new int[20]) // assuming you have a fixed size for those arrays;
// better: introduce a constant for to avoid magic
// numbers in code!
// you created a new array, but yet need to fill it with the others value
std::copy(other.b, other.b + 20, b);
A& operator=(A other) // YES, no reference! This will invoke the copy (or move!)
// constructor of your class!
swap(*this, other); // you'll need to implement it yet!
return *this;
// at this point, the destructor of other will clean up data that was potentially
// contained in *this before...
A::A(A&& other)
: a(0), b(nullptr)
swap(*this, other);
// again swapping??? well, sure, you want the data from other to be contained
// in *this, and we want to leave other in some kind of valid state, which the
// nullptr is fine for (it's fine to delete[] a null pointer, so you don't even
// need to check in the destructor...)
现在由你决定:class B