我找到了GeometryInstance类,这似乎是更改可变插图属性的一个有希望的点,但尚未找到从工厂调用实例的示例(从GetVisualGeometriesForBody 之类的 GeometryId 调用?)及其属性已更改.
// box : Body added to plant
// X_WA : Identity transform
// FLAGS_box_l : box side length
geometry::GeometryId box_visual_id = plant.RegisterVisualGeometry(
box, X_WA,
geometry::Box(FLAGS_box_l, FLAGS_box_l, FLAGS_box_l),
Eigen::Vector4d(0.7, 0.5, 0, 1));
然后,我有一个 while 循环来在两秒内创建一个定时事件,我希望盒子改变它的颜色。
double current_time = 0.0;
const double time_delta = 0.008;
bool changed(false);
while( current_time < FLAGS_duration ){
if (current_time > 2.0 && !changed) {
std::cout << "Change color for id " << box_visual_id.get_value() << "\n";
// Change color of box using its GeometryId
changed = true;
simulator.StepTo(current_time + time_delta);
current_time = simulator_context.get_time();