据我了解,从 Rasa 1 开始,主要是需要在终端上运行的“动作”,然后是 Rasa shell 或交互式等。

你如何使用 PyCharm 运行它?


2 回答 2


Please follow this sequence, if you want to debug in PyCharm:

  1. Make sure that your actions endpoint server is running in one of the terminals.
  2. Attach the process using Run -> Attach to Process...
  3. Make sure that your actions class has required breakpoints
  4. Make sure that your action class in triggered when you chat

You will be able to debug as usual when the breakpoint is hit.

于 2019-08-14T13:01:16.933 回答

您可以在 Pycharm中打开多个终端会话。打开一个会话运行rasa run actions,然后运行另一个终端会话(例如)rasa shell --endpoints endpoints.yml

于 2019-07-17T07:57:36.950 回答