使用新的 CameraX API,我尝试使用public void takePicture(final OnImageCapturedListener listener)
方法在内存中拍摄图片,然后将给定的图像转换为 OpenCV Mat。
虽然当我尝试以高质量捕获图像时,我能够在 Image Analyzer 中成功将图像转换为 Mat 存在问题,但 getPlanes 返回一个只有一个项目的数组(其中图像分析器,我得到三个 SurfacePlane 项目)和看似破碎:
package com.example.scanner;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.graphics.ImageFormat;
import android.media.Image;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Rational;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.TextureView;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.Toast;
import org.opencv.core.CvType;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.camera.core.CameraX;
import androidx.camera.core.ImageAnalysis;
import androidx.camera.core.ImageAnalysisConfig;
import androidx.camera.core.ImageCapture;
import androidx.camera.core.ImageCaptureConfig;
import androidx.camera.core.ImageProxy;
import androidx.camera.core.Preview;
import androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig;
import androidx.core.app.ActivityCompat;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner;
public class CameraXActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private final String[] REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS = new String[]{"android.permission.CAMERA", "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"};
//array w/ permissions from manifest
TextureView mSurfaceView;
private int REQUEST_CODE_PERMISSIONS = 10; //arbitrary number, can be changed accordingly
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mSurfaceView = findViewById(R.id.action_sync);
if (allPermissionsGranted()) {
startCamera(); //start camera if permission has been granted by user
} else {
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS, REQUEST_CODE_PERMISSIONS);
private void startCamera() {
/* start preview */
int aspRatioW = mSurfaceView.getWidth(); // get width of screen
int aspRatioH = mSurfaceView.getHeight(); // get height
Rational asp = new Rational(aspRatioW, aspRatioH); // aspect ratio
Size screen = new Size(aspRatioW, aspRatioH); // size of the screen
PreviewConfig pConfig = new PreviewConfig.Builder()
Preview preview = new Preview(pConfig); //lets build it
new Preview.OnPreviewOutputUpdateListener() {
public void onUpdated(Preview.PreviewOutput output) {
ImageAnalysisConfig imgAConfig = new ImageAnalysisConfig.Builder()
.setTargetResolution(new android.util.Size(2480, 3508))
ImageAnalysis analysis = new ImageAnalysis(imgAConfig);
new ImageAnalysis.Analyzer() {
public void analyze(ImageProxy image, int rotationDegrees) {
Mat mat = imageToMat(image.getImage()); // no errors here!
new Preview.OnPreviewOutputUpdateListener() {
//to update the surface texture we have to destroy it first, then re-add it
public void onUpdated(Preview.PreviewOutput output) {
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) mSurfaceView.getParent();
parent.addView(mSurfaceView, 0);
ImageCaptureConfig imgCapConfig =
new ImageCaptureConfig.Builder()
.setTargetResolution(new android.util.Size(2480, 3508))
final ImageCapture imgCap = new ImageCapture(imgCapConfig);
// call after 5 seconds of starting
new Thread(() -> {
try {
imgCap.takePicture(new ImageCapture.OnImageCapturedListener() {
public void onCaptureSuccess(ImageProxy image, int rotationDegrees) {
Mat mat = imageToMat(image.getImage()); // ERROR HERE!
public void onError(ImageCapture.UseCaseError useCaseError, String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
// Error
} catch (Exception e) {
//bind to lifecycle:
androidx.camera.core.CameraX.bindToLifecycle((LifecycleOwner) this, analysis, imgCap, preview);
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
//start camera when permissions have been granted otherwise exit app
if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_PERMISSIONS) {
if (allPermissionsGranted()) {
} else {
Toast.makeText(this, "Permissions not granted by the user.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
private boolean allPermissionsGranted() {
//check if req permissions have been granted
for (String permission : REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS) {
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
return false;
return true;
public static Mat imageToMat(Image image) {
ByteBuffer buffer;
int rowStride;
int pixelStride;
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
int offset = 0;
Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();
byte[] data = new byte[image.getWidth() * image.getHeight() * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) / 8];
byte[] rowData = new byte[planes[0].getRowStride()];
for (int i = 0; i < planes.length; i++) {
buffer = planes[i].getBuffer();
rowStride = planes[i].getRowStride();
pixelStride = planes[i].getPixelStride();
int w = (i == 0) ? width : width / 2;
int h = (i == 0) ? height : height / 2;
for (int row = 0; row < h; row++) {
int bytesPerPixel = ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) / 8;
if (pixelStride == bytesPerPixel) {
int length = w * bytesPerPixel;
buffer.get(data, offset, length);
if (h - row != 1) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + rowStride - length);
offset += length;
} else {
if (h - row == 1) {
buffer.get(rowData, 0, width - pixelStride + 1);
} else {
buffer.get(rowData, 0, rowStride);
for (int col = 0; col < w; col++) {
data[offset++] = rowData[col * pixelStride];
Mat mat = new Mat(height + height / 2, width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
mat.put(0, 0, data);
return mat;
尝试使用 1.0.0-alpha01 和最新 (1.0.0-alpha03) 版本的相机。最初,虽然问题在于 YUV 到 Mat 的转换或图像太大,但事实并非如此。
使用的手机是华为P20 Pro。