- 通知 ID(字符串)
- 通知标题、正文
- 2个动作按钮每次都有不同的标题
所以,我用唯一的notificationId 注册了UNNotificationCategory 和categoryIdentifier(对于UNMutableNotificationContent)。
问题陈述:- 当然,所有传入通知都会弹出其通知操作。但是当我在NotificationCenter中检查这些通知的操作按钮时。只有最后一个通知显示他的操作按钮和其他显示没有按钮的通知。
struct NotificationStruct {
struct Action {
static let positive = "positive"
static let negative = "negative"
//Registering notification actions with notificationCatagory
//This function called each time for incoming notification
func registerCatagory ()
let actionPositive = UNNotificationAction (
identifier : NotificationStruct.Action.positive,
title : buttonPositiveLabel,
options : []
let actionNegative = UNNotificationAction (
identifier : NotificationStruct.Action.negative,
title : buttonNegativeLabel,
options : []
let notificationCategory = UNNotificationCategory (
identifier : notificationId,
actions : [actionPositive, actionNegative],
intentIdentifiers : [],
options : []
UNUserNotificationCenter.current ()
.setNotificationCategories ([notificationCategory])
func triggerNotificaion ()
let content = UNMutableNotificationContent ()
content.title = title
content.body = body
content.categoryIdentifier = notificationId
let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 2, repeats: false)
let request = UNNotificationRequest (
identifier : String (getRandomId()),
content : content,
trigger : trigger
//scheduling the notification
UNUserNotificationCenter.current ()
.add (request, withCompletionHandler: nil)
func getRandomId () -> Int {
let randomInt = Int.random (in: 0..<999999)
return randomInt