I'm writing a simple app which loads plugin in a predefined format. Example plugin is the following:

package main

import (

var (
    ok        bool
    InvConfig = errors.New("invalid config")

type Processor struct {
    logEverything bool

func (p *Processor) Init(config map[string]interface{}) error {
    p.logEverything, ok = config["log_everything"].(bool)
    if !ok {
        return InvConfig
    return nil

func (p *Processor) Process(buf []byte) []byte {
    if p.logEverything {
        fmt.Printf("Shouter got data: %v\n", buf)
    return []byte(strings.ToUpper(string(buf)))

func GetProcessor() *Processor {
    return &Processor{}

I can't quite apprehend how to load such a structure in my main program. So, I declare an interface:

type Processor interface {
    Init(map[string]interface{}) error
    Process(buf []byte) []byte

Then I load "getter" function and try to cast it to a function returning interface to then call it:

p, err := plugin.Open(filepath)
if err != nil {
    logrus.Fatalf("Error opening plugin %s: %v", pluginName, err)
procGetterInter, err := p.Lookup("GetProcessor")
if err != nil {
    logrus.Fatalf("Error loading processor getter for plugin %s: %v", pluginName, err)

procGetter, ok := procGetterInter.(func() interface{})
if !ok {
    logrus.Fatalf("Error casting processor getter for plugin %s: %T", pluginName, procGetterInter)

But the cast fails with an error:

Error casting processor getter for plugin simple_shout: func() *main.Processor

If I return an actual instance (not a pointer) from GetProcessor and try to cast the function to the one returning Processor, I get the same result:

Error casting processor getter for plugin simple_shout: func() main.Processor

How to get a struct instance from plugin (therefore load the function returning it) and type-assert it's an expected interface in my case?

UPD: If I remove everything from Processor interface (that is, it becomes just an empty interface):

type Processor interface {}

And try to cast procGetterInter to a function returning a pointer to Processor interface:

procGetter, ok := procGetterInter.(func() *Processor)

I still get the same error:

plugin.Symbol is func() *main.Processor, not func() *main.Processor (types from different scopes)

Why doesn't it cast even to pointer to an empty interface?


2 回答 2


TL;DR:在这里查看完整的工作演示:https ://github.com/jvmatl/go-plugindemo


插件在几个方面都很棘手,@icza 的回答是完全正确的,但要理解它为什么正确以及它如何应用于您的问题,您需要了解 go 接口的灵活特性不适用于复杂类型。


这在 Go 中是合法的:

    var a interface{}
    var b int
    a = b // yep, an int meets the spec for interface{} !


    var aa []interface{}
    var bb []int
    aa = bb // cannot use bb (type []int) as type []interface {} in assignment 


    type Runner interface {

    type UsainBolt struct{}
    func (ub *UsainBolt) Run() {
        fmt.Println("Catch me if you can!")

    var a Runner
    var b *UsainBolt
    a = b // Yep, a (pointer to) Usain Bolt is a runner!


    var aa func() Runner
    var bb func() *UsainBolt
    aa = bb // cannot use bb (type func() *UsainBolt) as type func() Runner in assignment


    type RunnerGetter func() Runner

    var rg RunnerGetter
    rg = getUsain  // <-- Nope: doesn't compile: "cannot use getUsain (type func() *UsainBolt) as type RunnerGetter in assignment"

    rg = getRunner // <-- This *assignment* is allowed: getRunner is assignable to a type RunnerGetter

    var i interface{} = getRunner
    rg = i.(RunnerGetter) // compiles, but panics at runtime: "interface conversion: interface {} is func() main.Runner, not main.RunnerGetter"

换句话说,语言可以分配func getRunner() Runner给 type 的变量RunnerGetter,但是类型断言失败,因为类型断言在问:这东西实际上是 RunnerGetter 类型的变量吗?答案是否定的,这是一个func() Runner很接近但不完全正确的结果,所以我们很恐慌。


    var rg RunnerGetter
    var i interface{}
    i = rg // after this assignment, i *is* a RunnerGetter
    rg = i.(RunnerGetter) // so this assertion passes.


正如@icza 所说,您有几个选择:

选项 1:快速而肮脏, 在您的插件中完成工作

func GetGeneric() interface{} {
    return &Processor{}


    p, _ := plugin.Open(pluginFile)                  // load plugin
    newIntf, _ := p.Lookup("Getgeneric")             // find symbol

    newProc, _ := newIntf.(func() interface{})       // assert symbol to generic constructor
    shoutProc, _ := newProc().(processors.Processor) // call generic constructor, type assert the return value

    // Now use your new plugin!
    shoutProc.Init(map[string]interface{}{"log_everything": true}) 
    output := shoutProc.Process([]byte("whisper"))

选项 2:如果您有许多插件,则更简洁,更好 在另一个包中声明所有插件必须满足的接口:

package processors
// Every plugin must be able to give me something that meets this interface
type Processor interface {
        Init(map[string]interface{}) error
        Process(buf []byte) []byte


type ShoutProcessor struct {
        configured    bool
        logEverything bool

func NewProcessor() processors.Processor {
        return &ShoutProcessor{}


    p, _ := plugin.Open(pluginFile)             // load plugin
    newProcIntf, _ := p.Lookup("NewProcessor")  // lookup constructor

    newProc, _ := newProcIntf.(func() processors.Processor) // assert the type of the func
    shoutProc := newProc() // call the constructor, get a new ShoutProcessor

    // ready to rock and roll!
    shoutProc.Init(map[string]interface{}{"log_everything": true})
    output := shoutProc.Process([]byte("whisper"))
于 2019-06-21T03:35:26.483 回答


func GetProcessor() *Processor

您将此符号查找为 aninterface{}并尝试键入断言类型的值

func() interface{}



所以你可能只键入 assert 相同的函数类型,但问题是你不能引用插件中声明的标识符(函数的返回类型是插件中定义的自定义类型)。


另一种解决方案是声明你的函数返回一个interface{}值,这样你就可以键入 assert 这个函数,你可以调用它,你将获得一个 type 的值interface{}。然后您的主应用程序可能会定义一个包含您感兴趣的方法的接口类型,并且在主应用程序中您可以对该接口类型键入 assert。

在此处查看详细信息和示例:go 1.8 plugin use custom interface


是否可以在 go 插件和应用程序之间共享自定义数据类型?


于 2019-06-20T21:38:16.030 回答